Ariana Grande facts

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THANK YOU!!!!! I have 120 reads!!! I am going to play my One Direction CD and PARTY and party!!! I am soooo HAPPY!!!!

So, are any of you Ariana fans?! If you are continue reading and if you are not...then, shame on you!


Ariana facts!!

1. Her favourite charity is called Broadway which is in South Africa.

2. Her favourite vacation place is South Africa.

3. Her favourite designer is Chanel

4. She doesn't eat meat except for fish. (Poor girl, she's missing out on the bacon)

5. She is hypoglycemic, which means that she gets low blood sugar.

6. She loves to swim.

7. She thinks penguins are adorable

8. Her favourite subject is science

9. She doesn't have a middle name

10. Her dog's name is Coco Suzy


Sorry for commenting so much!

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