Chapter 22-Can't Lose You

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<------ Don't forget to vote!! Pwetty please? ;) Oh, and sorry about the shortness :(

Chapter 22

"Raven... Wha- You're not making any sense," Cole said, frowning at me in confusion. "Hey, where's the demon?" 
"Over there on the floor." I randomly gestured behind me. "I killed him. But-"
"Wait, you killed him? What happened? Why do I not remember any of this?" I could tell that Cole was getting pissed off. He didn't like being confused.
"I just told you Cole," I yelled, jumping and and beginning to pace. He wasn't the only one who was annoyed. "You fucking died! Did you not just listen to a thing I just said?!" 
He shook his head violently. "No. You have to be wrong. I wouldn't do that to you." He struggled to sit up, propping himself against the wall. 
I laughed bitterly. "Well you did."

Sighing, I stopped pacing, throwing him a tired look.
"Please, can we just talk about this at home?" I begged, blinking wearily.  I could feel his eyes on me, but I refused to look at him, instead gazing off towards the mouth of the alley, surprised someone hadn't wandered over after hearing the commotion. But then again, that was why Cole and I had chosen this alley...because of its seclusion from the main street.
"Fine," he said curtly.

He struggled to his feet, flicking his hands at me when I tried to help him. Grumbling about stubborn men, I wrapped my arm around his waist and helped him back to the car, ignoring him when he said that he was okay to drive. Like hell he was okay to drive!
"Cole, shut up." I threw him a mock glare. "I'm driving."

When we got home, Cole collapsed onto the sofa, letting out a groan. I hovered in the doorway, not knowing if we were having our little "talk" now or later.
"I couldn't have died," he whispered, looking up at me. For the first time, I saw the vulnerability in his gaze. I came further into the room.
A humourless laugh escaped me. "So what to do you call lying there with no heart beat and not breathing, covered in blood with a knife sticking out of you?"
Cole flinched. "I-"
"Don't even start Cole," I muttered, voice growing louder with every word. "Do you know how horrible it was for me to see you like that? To know that your heart had stopped beating. To think that I'd never get to see you smile again, get to see you laugh. Never get to see you do anything but lie in a fucking coffin, knowing that it was my fault! I-"
"Raven, stop!" Cole yelled, standing up and invading my personal space.

I made the mistake of looking into his eyes. What I saw lurking in those murky depths was fear, anger, frustration and...lo- I cut that thought off before it could grow, knowing that I was only seeing that because I wanted it to be there, not because it actually was. The mind was good at playing tricks on you.

"How the hell could a demon stabbing me be your fault?! If anyone's to blame, it's me! I didn't protect you. I failed you, and I'm so sorry. I-"
"Don't you dare apologise to me!" I cried, jabbing a finger in his chest. "It's my fault. We were there because of a letter that was sent to me. If I hadn't gotten you involved, then-"
"Raven Maria Hunter, if you dare finish that sentence, there will be hell to pay," he threatened, grabbing hold of my jabbing fingers and intertwining them with his.
"Why shouldn't I finish my sentence? It's true!" I continued bitterly, looking down towards our feet."I can't lose you." I whispered the last part, knowing that my voice was barely audible.
"You won't lose me, I promise," he murmured.

That was when he kissed me. All I know is one second, I was looking at the ground and the next, we were locking lips.
'This is such a brilliant way to get me to shut up,' I distantly thought, kissing him back like my life depended on it.

My hands squeezed his before I moved them to his waist. His hands found my hair, running his hands through the tangled mess, gently smoothing it. Nipping his lower lip, my hands slipped underneath his top, shuddering at the feel of his muscles tensing beneath my touch. I revelled in the shiver that passed over him, drunk on the knowledge that I could effect his body in such a manner.

As our kiss lengthened and deepened, I had one thought. I wanted Cole more than I had ever wanted anything. And I was going to have him. But I wasn't going to lose him as I'd lost so many others. Then all thought was lost as Cole carried me into a world fill of pleasure and wicked promise. I didn't want to be anywhere else...


THEY DID IT!!!! *does little dance* LOOOL! That's as much detail as I wanna go into right now. at some point in the future, I might do a restricted chapter detailing exactly what...went down ;) , but for now, I'm leavin it there ;P

So yeah, PLEASE vote. I don't mind if you don't comment, since commenting is a LOt of effort (no sarcasm there, I'm as lazy as hell so I get where you're coming from), but PLEASE can you vote if you're enjoying the story so far? They really help me get inspired and let me know that you're all liking my stuff. :)

Meh, I think I said all that needs saying.

OH, but if you DID want a restricted chapter, can you let me know in a comment/PM so i know how many people wanted one, as I might give into peer pressure ;)

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