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October 1st, 3 months before the Green's Annual New Year's Eve Party

Rose 🌹

I slammed my locker shut and nearly jumping out of my own skin when I saw Garrett Green leaning against the adjacent locker.

He grinned that adorable grin, one that reminded me of his brother, at me. My heart fluttered when I thought about the idiot's face but I quickly pushed it to the back of my mind. I didn't want to think about him.

Not when I was so unsure how I felt about him.

"Hey Princesa" he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we started walking to our next class.

I punched his surprisingly rock hard stomach.

I mean, I knew that Garrett was cute in the geeky sort of way, with his short and cropped curly brown hair, blue eyes, and tall stature but I just never saw him as anything more than my best friend.

He was the first person that I met (and actually liked) here at this hellhole I call High School. We were project buddies that were, at first, hesitant to work with each because of our perfectionist natures but after we got to know each other more, we became fast friends.

But as much as I loved Garrett as my best friend, he does come with some baggage.

And that Baggage is named Greyson William Green.

Like his twin, he has the same curly hair, and tall stature but unlike his twin he had amazing Hazel green eyes and an attitude that both equally annoyed and attracted me. For some reason, unlike his brother, I actually had a hard time resisting him and his charming ways. 

They may be twins but they sure do affect me differently.

From the first time I met Greyson, I knew my heart was in danger. Not only did the term "Ruggedly Handsome" fit him but he somehow managed to worm his annoying self under my skin.

That's why I avoid him as much as possible, which is hard considering I am best friends with his twin.   

I don't know if it was because he looked so much like his brother that made him more likable but every time I saw him, the butterflies in my stomach would flutter like crazy.

"Ro?" A snap brought me back to reality "Ro? Are you okay?"

I looked into the concerned eyes of my best friend and gave him a weak smile "I'm okay, just thinking about that upcoming history test we have"

He laughed and ruffled my hair "Always the worry wart. Trust me, you'll be fine Rose I promise. You always are"

I glared and fixed my hair "Where's your brother? Shouldn't he be here?"

Garrett stiffened but shrugged "Don't know. He's been AWOL ever since I told our parents about him ditching"

I grimaced "I take it he didn't respond well?"

"No, He didn't..." an familiar annoyed voice said from behind us. 

My heart starting pounding and I turned in time to see Greyson glare at his brother. 

I scowled when I saw Krystal, his latest flavor of the week, tucked closely under his arm. 

Garrett snorted from beside me "If you didn't ditch, you wouldn't have gotten in trouble" 

Greyson sneered "Well if you didn't go snitching to Mommy all the time, maybe I wouldn't have gotten in trouble" 

Krystal giggled and I glared at her 

Garrett rolled his eyes before wrapping an arm around my shoulder and guiding me towards our class. "Come on Ro" 

I heard a low growl before a large hand grabbed my wrist. 

He adressed Garrett while managing to keep eye contact with me "Always running brother. When will you finally stop and fight like a man?" 

I snapped my hand back and managed to glare at him

Krystal frowned and looked away

Garrett growled before pulling me away from Greyson "Who's running away Grey? I'm fighting for what I want right now and it looks like I'm winning" 

I looked at him in confusion

Winning? What was he winning at? 

Greyson ignored his brother and looked directly into my eyes "I'll see you later Rosabella" 

"In your dreams Pretty Boy" 

He grinned "How'd you know you were in my dreams? 

I scoffed and turned away just as my face started heating up 

"Come on Ro" Garrett grabbed my hand "He's not worth our time" 

When we were halfway down the hall, Greyson wolf whistled to get our attention. When our eyes met, he winked "See you soon gorgeous" 

I rolled my eyes, but I was secretly thrilled when Krystal stomped away in anger. 

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