Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9

Arabella Baine

I walked off into kitchen, with my hand on my cheek. Did he really do that? Slowly, a smile crept on my face. I didn’t know why, but Jake had his ways of making me feel a bit welcome. His kindness reminds me of the warmth acceptance of the Grants. How I miss that family. They have truly shown me what a real family was like…. Eli has shown me what a real father was like…

“Arabella, dear,” Beatrice’s soft voice called out. “Rylan is requesting for you. He’s currently at his office.”

“Do you know why?” I have finished all of my daily chores. What more could he could possibly want?

“I wish I knew. He is an impatient man. I suggest you head over there and see for yourself. Take care,” her eyes flashed with worry and concern. “You make two left turns. If you see two huge mahogany doors, that’s his office. You must always knock before entering.”

I gave her a swift nod and made my way into the huge hallways. This pack house was really huge. It was far spacious and warmer than… I shook my head, willing for the memories to go away.

Once the sight of the two mahogany doors came to view, I reach my hand out to knock. A second before my hand made contact with the door, his voice stopped me.

“You may come in,” his voice laced with authority made me hesitate. Slowly, I twisted the doorknob and stepped in.

“You called for me?” I fidgeted with my hands before looking at him. His piercing topaz eyes looked at me as his lips twitched into a little smile.

“Yes,” he got up and was in front of me within seconds. His large hand reached out and softly fiddled with my hair. “I’m sorry about this morning. I shouldn’t have done that.”

A small gasp escaped my lips. Was he really apologizing to me? That was impossible! I mean… I thought all men only wanted one thing. Maybe I was wrong… Maybe he was wrong! Love does exist…

Love is not real….” His rough voice echoed in my mind.

“I really am sorry, Arabella.” His hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me into him. His nose trailed from my forehead, stopping at my cheek. Slowly, his grip tightened and a fierce snarl came out of his mouth. “Whose scent is on your cheek?”

“What….” I trailed, looking at his eye color slowly change. His hair was slowly growing. Slowly, it came back to me. Jake! “It’s nothing, sir. It’s just Jake…”

“I’ll kill him!” he growled lowly. His fangs elongated and a deep frown formed on my face. His wolf was on the verge of coming out. Soothingly, I rubbed his arms. My fingers traced his strong jaw line and stopped on his chin. My eyes locked on his luscious lips, ever so inviting and enticing.

I pulled on his chin and tiptoed to touch his lips with mine. His soft plump lips felt absolutely right against mine. He stiffened at first, letting out little growls. He relaxed slightly and moved his lips softly against mine. The kiss was nothing like the kisses I’ve had before. It was soft, tender, and so… Innocent. Lips on lips… No ravaging tongues… No sharp canines…. I shut my eyes tightly, wrapping my arms around his neck tightly. I wanted to savor this one kiss… This on perfect kiss.

He picked me up swiftly and set me on his table, without breaking the kiss. His hands gently glided along my waists, stopping on my thighs. He took a deep breath and pulled away.

“Wow,” he smiled, showing his dimples. I’ve never noticed them before. They made him look all the more gorgeous.

“Wow indeed,” I grinned, wrapping my legs around him. I felt insecure with my body, because I felt so sick and tainted. But with him… I felt different. I felt confident.

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