38 | Betrayal

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Of all the possibilities for how her day would go, this was not even close to being on Emma's to-do list. Frantically, she glanced around, but Daniel, and presumably, her mother, had planned her abduction well. There was not a lot of foot traffic in this part of town. She was boxed in. The closest business was the coffee shop, and that was over a block away. She'd never make it inside in time. Still, she balked at the open door of the car. If she got in, no one would ever even know what happened to her, or where she was.

As if he could see the wheels whirring in her brain, Daniel shoved the barrel of his gun into her ribs, hard.

"Don't get any ideas, girly," he growled in her ear, his putrid breath gusted in her face, and a wet ashtray came to mind. "Get-in-the-car." He snatched the bag from her shoulder, waiting for her to comply.

Emma silently nodded, and blinked back the tears threatening to fall. She couldn't lose it now. Going into hysterics was not going save her. She needed to think clearly. She slid in, and he slammed the door. Her mom got into the back seat with her, and Daniel climbed in behind the wheel, tossing her bag onto the seat beside him. As soon as the door was closed and he was around the side, she tried the handle, but it wouldn't open. He noticed her disappointment when he turned to face her from the front.

"Child safety locks." He smirked. His smile furthered his resemblance to Ryan, but his eyes ruined the image-dark and hard, like two dull chips of onyx, and far less friendly. "Now," he tossed a couple of zip-ties between her and Julie, "put your hands behind your back. Julie, tie her up-and make sure they're tight. If she gets loose, it's on you." The threat was evident in his tone and reinforced by his cold, dead gaze.

Julie's hands shook violently as she secured her wrists. "I'm so sorry," she whispered shakily as she tugged on the clear plastic ties, causing them to bite into Emma's skin.

"Sorry definitely isn't going to cut it this time," she muttered in reply.

"Turn," Daniel commanded her, gripping her forearm and twisting her to face the rear window. She turned a little farther, and he reefed hard on her wrists, sending a jolt of pain through her arms. Once he was satisfied she was secure, he let go. "Face forward. We're going for a drive." The SUV roared to life, and he barely signaled before he pulled onto the street.

What the hell do I do? Talk? Get him to reveal his big plan? Distract him? Does that shit even work outside the movies? Make him sympathize with me? She eyed his hard profile, and dead eyes in the rear-view mirror. That's unlikely.

Suddenly, her shoulder started buzzing. Her eyes flicked down and she remembered. Her phone wasn't in her purse... and thank God I remembered to put it on vibrate when I went to see Mr. Addison. As discreetly as possible, she glanced up at Daniel. A tiny seed of hope sprang to life when she realized he hadn't heard it.

Beside her, Julie sighed. Emma's gaze flew to her, but it seemed she hadn't noticed either. She took her time, studying her mom's face. She looked afraid... but she'd zip-tied her hands tight enough to cut off circulation. Trustworthiness was never a trait she would be attributed with, nor concern for her own flesh and blood. Still, something made Emma suspect she wasn't exactly a willing participant in this little escapade.

Groaning quietly, she tried to adjust herself so that she wasn't pressing directly back on her arms. She was zip-tied so tight that her fingers were numb and tingles were running up and down her arms like static on the radio. Wedging herself in the corner of the seat, she let out a small sigh. It was at least a little relief. From this angle, she was also able to see both Danny and her mom easily while keeping her distance. She eyed them both warily. What the hell could they want with her? If they were after the gems from the robbery, like she suspected, what in the world made them think she would know anything? If she didn't give Daniel what he wanted, it would not go well for her. That was clear in every ruthless line etched on his face.

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