Chapter 2

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Vina's pov***

I struggled lifting him up and balancing him to stand beside me I took his weight partially  by placing my arm around his neck.  We entered into my house and I dropped his large body on couch and let out a long sigh. 

" Why is he so heavy? "

Then I sat across his body.  I observed him closely,  according to my views he is 6'2"  his hair is disoriented and yet gave a good look on him.  He has long eye lashes,  he's wearing a white banyan but wait I have seen him with a grey shirt before.
What could happened in this mean time?
He had some red marks over his arms and shoulders... I think someone hit him with a bat like which I'm holding previously.  Sighing I reached my mobile to call my friends. I dialed Tony's number and held it to my ear.

" Hello,  Vina.  What's up?  Do you missed me? "

"  oh just shut up..  And listen to what I'm going to say. I want you all here in 5 minutes. You got it? "

"  someone broke into my house.  But I'm okay looks like he's not dangerous and now he's unconscious too.  You come here with our friends. Okay "

I hung up my phone just then he moved in the couch.  And slowly opened his eyes.

" you're awake? "

"  who are you? "

" How did you get here?  And who injured you?  Are you a good person or a bad person? "

By hearing my questions he should be tensed but why is he smiling at me? Is there anything on my face?  Or am I looking like a clown to him?  He started to get up from the couch to get near me.

" Princess Diana "

" Is your name Diana? Oh.... Wait how can you have a girl name. You can't fool me now Tell me your real name. "

He shook his head and pointed a finger towards my direction " Princess Diana "

"Me? "

"  No,  my name isn't Diana and I'm not a Princess "

" My name is Vina and I don't know who you are,  we didn't meet before.  You got the wrong person. "

Before he reacts to my question my phone rang and I walked to the couch to pick my phone.  I glaced to his direction and saw a cut appeared on his left arm which is not there before. Oh god what happened to me? Is my vision clear or not!  How can a cut appear by itself. He groaned in pain and I'm still in shock standing there watching his reactions.

" y you you... just wait here.  I'll bring first aid box. Okay. "

I ran to my brother's room and walked out with first aid kit. I came closer to him and then again there's no wound which I had seen previously.  It disappeared.  Am I hallucinating or what?  I stood there with my eyes wide as saucer.

" Are you a human?  Or an Alien?  How can your wound disappear like that?  "

He didn't show any expressions on his face.  He kept his face blank staring at me like I'm talking some alien language.  Okay cool down Vina,  cool down take it easy.

"  You answer my first question first.  What is your name? "

" Oliver,,  Princess "

"Okay Oliver what's wrong with you?  Who injured you? " I asked calmly.

He shook his head conveying that he doesn't know. 

"  It's alright....  And do you know how you get to my house?
Again he shook his head.

" Maybe you need some more time.  Okay......  Do you want some water? " 

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