37: Eggs Benedict or fertilized?

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Before I got to answer Brandon's question Jace had dragged me away exclaiming how we needed to get home because Justin had allegedly burned down the kitchen trying to cook.

I didn't want to leave Brandon feeling so upset but Jace had given me no other choice and as soon as I had gotten home I had given Justin an earful of loud and colourful phrases.

Promptly after scolding Justin, I had called Brandon and asked him to meet me at the coffee shop. I asked him to bring his history notes along because we really needed to catch up on the project.

When he punctually entered the cafe he had sat down and not said a word, leaving me to blabber on. I addressed the topic he had been so distraught about-Which Brandon did I like better?

"Well you're clearly not as much of an ass as you were before," I said. I grab his hand and he doesn't object.

"Brandon, when I first met you, I wasn't the biggest fan of yours and weren't of me either. But somehow I got to know you and I realised that you have so much more on your plate than you show. When I met you again in the cafeteria, I felt up like screaming at you. You just aggravated me so much. And then we were at the mall with my weird Valentine Day idea with the dates and kisses where I pretty much got harassed by Rustin," Brandon tenses at this but I give his hand a little squeeze and he noticeably loosens up. "But you told him to bugger off. You didn't have to, but you did. You defended me without a reason.

We started this whole fake dating plan. I can't believe I even went through with it, actually, I can't believe you agreed. I wanted to punch you every time you smirked. But we did it! We actually did it and I only punched you once! Sorry about that by the way. But moving on... we even went to a party together where I got completely wasted and YOU were the one who took care of me. We weren't dating and Justin wasn't there but you took care of me regardless. You made sure that I reached home safely. Heck, we were in the same bed when I puked in the middle of the night. By the way, I only threw up because I found you next to me in MY precious bed hogging the blanket. It was a reflex after seeing your face." He smiled which made my heart rattle vigorously against my chest once again.

"You were the one who woke up and made sure I was back in bed comfortably again. Then remember when we were going to the beach and I had the pain attack?" He nodded, tightening his grasp on my hind.

"You hugged me for the first time ever! After, of course, my dramatic performance of 'So Close to Death'. On the same day, the incident with Rustin happened and," I took a deep breath and continued, "when you found out what happened you didn't not care. You wanted to skewer his eyeballs as much as I wanted to."

"After all that we told each other about the things that keep us up at night, that we inevitably reminisce about every day. I told you about something that even my brothers don't know. ]It was so hard for the both of us but we did it and while doing so we formed this unplanned bond of trust and faith."

"Then came the prank war-which by the way I totally won. 'Who's the father?'" I mocked him in a deep voice and burst out laughing. He seemed in a sort of daze, he just kept looking up at me with this peculiar glint in his eyes.

"After all that messed up, stuff came the magical hospital trip where you stayed with me for the whole night without having to. You made me forget that I was in pain by making me laugh so much. You always do that. You just make me forget about all the crap that is life. I don't know how you do it, but you do."

"So after my whole rant in which you've definitely fallen asleep, my point is that there is no such thing as a 'which Brandon I like better'. I realised a long, long time ago that I have to take you with all of you. There is nobody in the world who is like you Brandon, trust me, I've lived pretty much everywhere. And that is a good thing. You know what, I even love our squabbling moments because they are absolutely ridiculous. And after I actually laugh about them. You're an incredibly compassionate, brave, honest, thoughtful, generous, annoying, kind-just because you say you aren't doesn't mean it's true-person. And I honestly and truly would not have it any other way."

"The only thing I like in this so-called Brandon is that you don't hide your emotions and your feelings from me anymore. You've opened up to me and now you're not afraid to show me your reactions and tell me your thoughts about everything and nothing. You talk to me without being forced to because you want to. I love the fact that you be yourself around me. And I love the fact that you feel comfortable enough to do that."

Suddenly, I grab a fistful of his shirt, closing the space between.

And I say, "Don't you ever even think about going back from where we are now."

Somebody clears their throat and I jolt back down to my seat.

"What are you guys doing?" Sam asks, with an eyebrow quirked upwards.

"History Assignment."

The assignment is to find out as much as we can about our partners and write a hundred words comparing them to a historical figure. Talking about them and why they remind you so much of that person.

"You know she's always wanted see Uranus, maybe you could write something about that in your project," she said to Brandon in an innocent voice and my face felt like it was on fire with the unnecessary blushing that was happening. I glared at Sam but she left and I turned to face a smirking Brandon.

"You could have just asked, Klumsy," he said with a chuckle which of course just made me blush even more furiously. "Oh, shut up," I said suppressing a smile.

"Favourite dish?"

I didn't see how this question was even relevant but before I could answer Sam's voice boomed throughout The Coffee Shop, "Eggs! And she likes them fertilized!" People sitting peacefully at their tables abruptly fixed their gazes on us and I saw Pat give me a wink while carrying a huge smile on her lips.

I shot Sam a long glare and decided that I was going to staple her foot to her forehead if she didn't shut up. And to my dismay, here she was again. She asked if she could see Brandon's report and at first, he was a little hesitant but nevertheless gave in. Sam took it and was reading it with her eyes the size of the moon. Brandon refused to let me see what he was writing. I don't understand what the big deal is, it's just a history project.

"Brandon, this is honestly so amazing. There's like a million details and it's so good. Speaking of millions, you guys could make millions." She put his report down, turned her head swiftly to me and cheekily said, "millions of babies."

"Does she do this every time your here with someone?"

"No, thankfully she didn't do that when Caleb and I were here," I said with a chuckle.

"Caleb was here with you?" Brandon said in a tone that made the smile that was spread out across my face evaporate immediately.

"Yeah, why?" I said warily.

"Klumsy, you know I don't like him."

"Brandon, he hasn't done anything wrong. I still can't comprehend why you have such negative feelings towards him."

"Klumsy, there's something you need to know." He said with a look of discomfort etched across his dangerously handsome face.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the fabulous word of the day is...legs!" Sam announced and then scurried over to our table and said to us a little too loudly,"You two go home and spread the word." The room burst out laughing just as Sam ran away. More like skipped away.

I turned my head away from the laughter."What were you saying?"

"I was saying that Kate works so hard here. She's always on top of things at work. You could be one of them,' Sam had somehow appeared again, literally out of nowhere and was wiggling her eyebrows at us.

"You," I said with pointing my finger at Sam, "are so DEAD!"

Sam laughed and then ran out the door. And damn she was fast. And the only reason I know that is because as soon her feet left the place she was standing in, I being the extremely mature person that I am, bolted straight after her, leaving an amused and stunned looking Brandon sitting glued to his spot. While huffing and regretting the decision to run after Sam, all I could think of were Brandon's words. Klumsy, there's something you need to know.






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