Chapter 10

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Harry's Pov.

I didn't want Gabby going to find Dani on her own but I'm glad she agreed to let us go.

"Let's go boys she's waiting by the door" I said but when I looked she wasn't standing there.

"GABBY" Louis yelled.

"Damn it she left" I said.

"Where did she go she was standing right here like 2 minutes ago" Niall said looking in the living room.

" I called her and she's not answering " Zayn said.

"Louis call Eleanor and the girls and tell them to come now " I said calling Gabby to see if she would answer.

"Answer please answer" I whispered to myself.

"Louis, we were right outside when you called, what's wrong why, you guys look worried" Eleanor asked walking into the house with the rest of the girls.

" I told Gabby that Dani went to go visit a friend named Jason and she liked freaked out and said she had to help Dani cause she's in trouble" Liam said sitting in the couch feeling bad.

"Wait Dani was going to visit her friend Jason" Eleanor asked choking on her water.

"Yeah Eleanor what do you know about this" I asked.

"What I don't know who this Jason person is or anything " she said walking away but Louis picked her up over the shoulder and sat her down on the couch.

"Eleanor please Gabby went to go find Dani, Gabby said that we don't know what Jason is capable of so she didn't let us go with her " I said.

"Jason is capable of anything he abused Dani, tried an make her do drugs which she didn't, him and Ryan are best friends, they would do drugs, get drunk and the would take it out on Dani or Gabby, Gabby had introduced Dani to Jason. Gabby said Jason is not someone you want to meet" Eleanor said whipping her tears she was getting.

"Why do you think Dani was so happy with you cause you treated her right Liam" Eleanor added.

Liam just looked down and Mileena looked at him.

" Where does Jason live "I asked hoping she knew.

"I don't know I'm sorry Harry" Eleanor said crying Louis comforted her.

"Damn it" I said knocking over the glass cup.

" Harry calm down I'll call my dad and see if he has her tracker on the car" Sally said.

"I can't calm down if this Jason guy is capable of anything Gabby is pregnant he's going to hurt her" I said crying.

"I can't lose them both" I add sliding down on the wall.

"She'll be okay Harry all we have to do is make sure she comes home safe that she is safe right now, and we will keep on calling her okay" Sally said hugging me.

Gabriella's Pov.

Ryan is the only one that knows where Jason lives, Ryan didn't go to jail for shooting me he went on probation.

Harry would be so mad if he knew where I was right now.

I'm in front of Ryan's house. I got out of the car and walked to the front door.

I looked around and saw his car, so he's home, I knocked on the door but they didn't answer I was walking away when the door opened.

"Gabby, what are you doing here" Ryan asked stepping out and into the porch.

Forever and Always/Harry StylesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant