Chapter 18

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I snapped. I punched her in her face and she blocked the first few hits. But I still punched her. Only once because the next time she ducked under me and grabbed onto my arms and hugged me.

"I'm sorry you lost her, but you aren't thinking. Breathe and relax for a second. Mourn for her here so that if you need anyone they can come."

So that's what I did. Something like that. I went in the bathroom and sat in there silently crying. I texted Liv and she told me how she passed. Katia gave me my space and that's all I wanted. Although she did check on me once and brought me food.

She came back though coming in quietly. "Ryot, is here. Do you want to see him or do you want me to tell him to go. Or what? Whatever you want, I'll do."

"I don't want to see him."

She left to tell him, but he came in anyway. "Come on," he said soothingly, gently pulling me up. "Liv is waiting on you to make arrangements. She doesn't want to do this alone."

That made me cry harder. It was official. I truly did lose Nalani. This would mean she lost everyone. She has me but my family is the reason she doesn't have hers.

Ryot took me to her at her hotel. She looked like she was crying all night but when I came in she smiled. I tried, but I faltered and ended up crying all over. We made arrangements and then we went back. I was tired and needed a good nap.

Ryot ended up forgetting something in his car so I stood there waiting for him by the door. That girl from the other house came over looking out at him.

"I don't get how someone could just tear a house apart like this. It's messed up. I'm sorry about Nalani. I guess there's just some poisons that just can't be removed." She said sadly.

I nodded in response. That was true. Nalani was poisoned. But I don't recall telling anyone that. Not even my house. Everyone just thought it was a bullet wound to the heart.

"How did you find out she was poisoned?"

She stared at me like I should know but also like she was afraid. "It was in the case fi-"

"No they weren't. The only file it was in, was in..."

She moved away. And to think I almost cleared her. Almost. She can't just take away my sister because she lost hers. What is with everyone thinking that actually. If you want to come at me, come at me. But she was her roommate so maybe they had a disagreement on something and that's why.

The girl darted off and so did I. She wasn't going to get away that easily. I refuse to let her. Plus Ryot was taking too long.

"Help," she screamed , when she ran into a dead end.

I grabbed her by the arm and the girl broke mine. I screamed out in pain while she continued to scream for help but I didn't stop. I kicked her back and she slammed into the wall.

I went to punch her but she slid away causing me to hit the wall. My fist hurt so I went to kick up and hitting her in her ribs. Bringing my leg back down she caught it and brought me down. She was about to stomp on my face but I twisted her ankle before she could. She screamed in pain and crumbled to the ground.

Now she was weak. She was just as vulnerable as Lani. She was Lani's killer and I had her. I had her and no one was around to help her.

So got over on her and wrapped my hands around her throat and started to squeeze. The pain in my arm didn't matter, this was going to happen.

Her face became red and she slapped at my hands squirming around. I gripped tighter and her eyes started to bulge and turn red as well. Then they started rolling back but I was yanked away before I could finish. I just wanted her to pass out.

"Aeron what the hell is wrong with you?" Ryot yelled shoving me away.

"She killed Nalani."

"And you're just going to kill her. Is that really what you want? Another body to add?"

I shook my head staring him in the eyes. "I wasn't going to kill her. I needed her to stop fighting me so I could bring her back because she broke my arm and I have no phone on me." I glanced down at her scared look she was trying to give Ryot. "Tell him the truth."

"I didn't-" I jerked forward. "Okay okay. I killed her."


She laughed and shook her head. "Why does it take two people from the houses for everyone to decide to work harder. Everyone else, no, they didn't care. My sister died and nobody wanted to find out who. There were people who saw it happen and didn't care. They still had to go. But when I found who killed my sister, he was a goner the minute I saw him."

"So why Nalani?"

"She caught on. You were afraid she'd rat you out so you killed her," Ryot said for her and she nodded. "I should've let her continue. I should've let Aeron take your life, but that's to easy and you aren't taking the easy way out. You're going to pay for this."

He put cuffs on her, and dragged her down the hall. Some people came out, but Jess cleared them.

She started laughing a little under her breath. "You worry so much over the smallest things you don't see the big picture."

I stopped both of them, looking down at her. "And what exactly is that supposed to mean?"

She smiled at me widely. "I shouldn't say."

Ryot let her go, taking Jess with him when he left. He must've had faith I wouldn't hurt her anymore. More faith than what I thought I had, because I'm still pissed my arm is broken.

"Fine we can play 20 questions all day, but in the end you're still going to jail. Got it?"

She side eyed me. "That counts as two now."

I rolled my eyes moving back before I hit her. "Lets try this again. What do you mean?"

"Exactly what I said."

I let a low growl out and she fidgeted with her wrist in the cuffs. "About 6 people have been killed in the past few months?" She nodded. "One of which was your sister and the man who killed her. One of the teachers?" Her face turned cold. "One of them did kill her. Some people were around as a witness, but they didn't do anything. He left?... Yes he disappeared and you wanted revenge to those who stood there and watched. Kids started going missing because you got sloppy. One got away though. Maya. It had to be over by Christmas break? She left so you followed. We came along and things weren't going to get covered so easily. Especially not with another agent sharing a room with you, right? She started to get nosey, didn't she?"

"Careful Shades you're almost at ten," she said lowly.

"So you killed her to take away from all the other murders, because now it just made no sense. But if apart of the bigger picture where does she fit in?"

Her smile returned once again looking down at Ryot and Jess kept guard. When I turned to look they were staring at their phones.

"Isn't that what everyone is trying to figure out? What picture is being made and why it's being made?"

I knitted my brows together staring down at her. I'm just confused what exactly she was trying to get at.

"What do you mean?"

"I can't tell you."

I stepped towards her, snatching her by her arm. "I swear if you don't-"

"What are you going to do arrest me?" She laughed and looked back over my shoulder. "You can't kill me even if you tried. You can't stand to be just like you're father," she whispered.

I let her go, moving back to look at her. Jess can handle her I'm done here. My arm is broken, my relationship with almost everyone has gone to shit and my sister is dead. At this point it's no longer fun.

This Should Be Fun pt. IIWhere stories live. Discover now