Mates (15)

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They'd fallen asleep on the porch, but Max woke up in his bed with a heavy arm over his waist and a warm presence claiming his back. He hummed, turning over in the covers, and then nuzzling into the crook of Kyle's neck, over the scarred imprint of his teeth. There was still a little bit of bruising, but that would fade over the day with the assistance of Kyle's werewolf healing.

It took a moment for Max to suppress the urge the poke the faint yellowish-green blemish, and he moved to press his face into Kyle's chest. This was what Max wanted. For the rest of the week, month, year - for as long as it would last because there couldn't be anything better. Apart from shifting.

But that was in a different category, and couldn't really compare to moments like this. Moments when it was still early morning, and the sun was just beginning to banish the cold from the night before, and the heat of the man next to him was radiating throughout the bed. When he was awake before the man who'd claimed him as his mate, and could spend as long as he wanted examining those strong, handsome features. It was surprisingly difficult not to touch Kyle's face, to not trace those high cheekbones and strong jawline and heavy brow with the lightest touch he could.

It took a moment for Max to realise Kyle's smothering dark eyes were open. "What are you doing?" He asked, voice clogged and husky with sleep.

"Just looking." Max murmured.

In the quiet moment, neither man moved, Kyle apparently content to let Max stare with his feline yellowish-green eyes. The moment probably would've lasted longer if there hadn't been a howl.

River sat up with just enough urgency to dislodge Max from his arms.

"One of yours?" Max asked, voice low and cautious, despite not moving from where he fell.

It took a moment for River to answer, his eyes flickering as he examined the howl. And then he shook his head. "Not one of mine."

Nothing was said between the pair, even as they left the bed with their hands entwined and stepped out into the open air. River changed first. Max waited, keeping watch, and then followed River's lead.

River's ears were pushed flat as he went, and it was interesting to see how he ran with his head lowered. Max tended to lower his head anyway, but River was close enough now for Max to see him move with more caution and urgency than usual.

They ran quickly, heading in a different direction than what Max was used to. His claws hadn't marked the trees here; his scent hadn't been left here. Even as they went, Max couldn't help allowing the scent glands on his paws to leave their mark.

It didn't take long for Max to take to the trees, bounding through the denser branches to conserve the energy he was sure he'd need in the following events.

The trees began to space out a bit. Not enough to prevent Max from running through them, but just enough to make him a little more wary about where he trod. And then they stopped.

In front of him was a clearing larger than that of his own home. And in the middle of it was basically a mansion. A huge, mostly clean, white mansion. Max wasn't sure what he was supposed to do, and hesitated to come down.

A few seconds passed before Kyle noticed that Max had stopped and turned around, loping right back. Pawing at the tree Max was in, Kyle seemed to think Max was stuck up there. He wasn't, but the encouragement was just enough to make Max leap off of the two story high branch he was perched on.

The pair didn't even have to wait to be allowed entry, and Max was thoroughly surprised to not be reprimanded for walking on a clean white marble floor with muddy paws.

River didn't waste time changing back. He was back on two legs within a minute, but Max couldn't confidently say he could do the same. Besides, this wasn't Max's territory. He didn't know who lived here, and staying in jaguar form was a lot safer than trying to get his body to turn back within five minutes.

Striding with those long, strong legs, Kyle looked - well, gorgeous, obviously, but also wore a serious expression that no doubt meant he knew something was up, grabbing a pair of trousers somewhere along the way and only stopping for seconds to pull them on. It was a cue that Max didn't miss whilst walking through the unfamiliar hallways, his lithe body keeping up with Kyle's ridiculous speed without a problem.

With barely any time to look around and examine his surroundings, Max only barely noticed the portraits and landscapes that adorned the walls. The masterpieces of wolves, howling or running, hung up with pride. Or the ornate green and gold panelled walls. The only thing he could really take note of was the constant marble floor that he took extremen caution not to damage with his claws - hence why they were retracted for now.

Then River disappeared through a door, Max close behind, only to find a room filled with wolves. Well. Werewolves. Most of them were in human form, but there were two or three that still had their fur suit on.

They were staring. Max could feel them staring at him as he followed behind Kyle. And Max couldn't help it. His head sunk low between his shoulders and his ears flicked back. Universal animal language for 'if you come near me, I will bite'.

One of the wolves began a low growl. It was quiet but audible, and was echoed by another. It was then that River stepped in. And from the expression on his face, he clearly felt that it was not something he should've had to do. He stood directly in front of Max, blocking him the view of the wolves.

"Mine." Kyle growled, voice little more than a snarl, but it was enough for them to back down. "If any of you have a problem with him, you come to me, and I'll give you a reason to back the fuck down."

Those in wolf form whined. The majority in human formed mostly appeared uncomfortable. But Max was a little confused. Where were the wolves that came and found them when they were napping on the porch? This couldn't have been them.

Max's confusion was dismissed with a hand passing through the fur on his neck, signalling to go. Once again, he followed River's lead into a bigger hall. One with much more wolves to stare at him, plus River's parents and Carter.

The human to wolf ratio in this room was more even, and some, Max noticed from his peripheral, even recognised him. There were a lot of people here though, managing to make Max feel even more threatened, only reigned in by the sensation of Kyle's hand in his fur. It looked like a ballroom, with a high ceiling and a dais at one end where the River family were seated in full view of the rest of the pack. It was like being in the presence of royalty.

As they approached, Amelia gave a bright smile, forcing Max to wonder if she recognised him, or his scent. The question was quickly dismissed.

"Hello Max," she greeted warmly.

That was it. That was all Max needed so that he could ignore the other wolves crowded around the ballroom and give that pleased rolling chuff. He greeted her with the most gentle headbutt to her leg he could and then sat himself down next to River, prepared to be there for longer than he'd prefer.

River's mother handed her son a shirt, and then sat in one of the large chairs on the dais.

Her voice rang through the room as she spoke. "That howl was not one of ours."

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