11. Mine

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Alright, warning for young readers...there are going to be steamy things in this chapter so you can skip it from Alec's POV. you can read from his POV when an image appears.
Keep reading. Thank you! Kittens.

Elisa's P.O.V

Adam bursts into the room, "Are you alright?" He asks, concern dripping from his face.

I smile at him," I'm fine, Adam."My bandage was way too tight and it was biting my skin as the throbbing pain continued but at least it was dull. I glanced at Alec to see that he was fuming again at Adam. But why? Why is he always so angry?

I looked down at my hand again. The glass bits will leave scars and I really don't want another set of scars ruining my already damaged body. Maybe Adam.....I should at least try.

With that thought I began removing the bandage from my wrist but a hand stopped me from doing so and squeezed my palm.

Pain shoot from my hand making me pull it out of his grasp. I hissed.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked. Not even an apology? I glared at him and he just narrowed his eyes.

I did not answer him. Why should I?  I glanced at Adam and felt my face turning red. Ugh!

"Umm Adam....would you....ummm...heal....my wrist just like you did back in the batroom." I gushed my words out as fast as possible.

"When did he heal your wounds." Alec asked with an edge in his voice.


That's when I realised that I made a grave mistake. Oh no! Now Adam would tell him everything about my scars. Why did I do this?

I looked at Adam who was patiently waiting me to answer Alec. He will not tell him! He will keep his vow!

I felt a genuine smile crepting on my face but I stopped it by biting my lip. I have now produce a lie. Think Elisa!

"I-uh I slipped on the bathroom floor while coming out and to maintain my balance I grabbed the latch which cut  open my palm, so Adam came and healed...me." Oh God! I hope he buys my lie.

"You're lying." And he did not buy it. Why do I have to be such a bad liar?

"Well now that's your problem if you think I'm lying, isn't it? " I said smirking in at Alec.

I glanced at Adam and he came forward with a small smile on his lips,"I would love to heal your wounds Elisa."

I blushed and returned his smile shyly. He took my hand in his and began unwrapping the bandage while Alec was clenching his fist.

Next, he bit into his palm-causing me to flinch- and pour few drops of blood on my wounds.

I watched as they disappeared leaving behind my smooth skin and taking away the pain.

I grinned at Adam and hugged him,"Thankyou so much. I-"

I was ripped off him and put behind a black wall. Well the wall was Alec and the black color was his tux.

"Get the hell outta here, Adam." He yelled.

Adam smirked at me as I came to the side and left, closing the door behind him.

Alec turned back to me and I saw something glint in his eyes. Was it jealousy? But ...but why? Was he jealous that I hugged Adam? But he hates me. What's it to him if I hug someone?

Then I understood, Alec saved my life from the bloodthirsty vampires and I did not even say a proper thank you and while Adam only healed my wrist and I hugged him. Wrong Elisa. My conscience said. Atleast I should hug him too.

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