The Explanation / Conclusion

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Two hours after the trail.


Inside Castiel's house, everyone was there now. Drinks in their hands, cigarettes and cigars being passed around in celebration. Castiel went up to his room to change.

"Let's give it up to Castiel! We never would have been able to do this without you, brother!" Anna cheered as he came down the stairs in his expensive Armani suit, he felt so much better being in his normal clothes.

"And for Gabriel for helping us along." Castiel replied just as joyous.

No longer did he stand hunched over making himself look less threatening. No longer did he have to wear women's clothes to impress anyone, though if he were honest, he was still going to wear them. No longer did he use his small voice without an accent everyone had gotten used to hearing over the last year and a half. His voice now back to being strong, low, with a hint of a Russian accent. His posture back to standing tall and straight. His clothes back to his signature suit and tie, his trench coat in his hands to be hung back up in the coat closet, instead of hidden in the back of his closet.

"And Anna, we never would have truly had this turn out this way without you." Gabriel sad raising his glass to his sister and Meg. He fished a cigarette out of his pocket and handed it to his brother, Castiel had a look of pure bliss when he lit up the smoke and inhaled it's sweet relief. He had been so careful to not smoke around Alastair, after all, good little boys in cute clothes don't smoke.

"Psssht." Meg said, "This bitch didn't push me into anything. I was tired of those bitches, I'm glad someone brought them down."

They all got loud and caused a ruckus, luckily the house Castiel had chosen to buy was in the country, no one around to call the cops. This was a celebration, they didn't want it ruined by anything. Castiel spent most of the night explaining how hard it was to the Associates and Soldiers, that had no idea what he was doing. They all thought it weird of him dressing the way he was, and talking without his accent, and part of the family getting fake licenses and identification with a new name, but everything had to check out and be perfect.

"How did you met him anyways?" Inias, one of the new members Castiel really liked. Inias was inquisitive, always wanting to ask questions when he knew it was safe to ask them.

Castiel started to laugh before sobering up enough to answer, "I posed as a stripper at the club he always went to, I made sure that I was always free for him when he came in, and the rest. Well, who could resist all of this? Especially when it's only covered in the tiniest of tiny panties."

Inias looked him up and down a few times before excusing himself to the bathroom. Castiel wasn't stupid he knew what that meant. He suggestively told Inias, "udachi poveselit'sya" ((Good luck have fun))


The next morning Castiel found himself alone in his house for the first time in a year and a half, he knew not to expect anyone. All of his family knew the relationship was a fake, and all of Alastair's 'family' probably hated him for his little slip up in court. Given that it was probably that that was the true nail in Alastairs coffin, he was going to spend the rest of his life in prison. But just as he was trying to figure out if he wanted to wear his normal clothes or something one of Alastair's associates would recognize him in if they came over, his doorbell rang. Castiel thought if someone was coming over at the ass crack of dawn then they wouldn't mind seeing him in just a light pair of pajama pants.

"Coming," Castiel yelled as he ran down the stairs to the door. As he got closer to the front door he froze. Dean Winchester, the Dean Winchester that he had meet right after Alastair. Dean Winchester who he had thought of every time Alastair and him had sex, just so Castiel could get off. Dean Winchester star of every one of his deepest fantasies was at this door, and he was in the lightest pair of pajama pants he owned with no undies underneath of any kind, he wished he would have put on a pair of panties, at least that would stop his boner from showing if he got one. He really hoped he could keep himself together and not make this awkward. He took in that Dean was now in a suit, no longer in his dirty jeans covered in holes and grease, that just make him more sexy. He cleared his throat to be able to put on his small voice again and slouched down a bit, just like Dean knew him as, and opened the door, "Dean, what are you doing here?"

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