Chapter 6

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THE temperature had fallen in the first week of August and a change in the wind direction had cleared the pall of haze from over the city. A few days of rain had reduced the humidity to more bearable levels. Kevvin had picked up his copy of the New York Times and was heading down the street to have a cup of coffee. It was just past ten, and he had no doubt that he'd be able to find a table outside at the café.

He saw that there was already a panhandler sitting at the edge of small parkette ahead of him despite the early hour. The man was on a narrow ledge leaning against the wall of the adjacent building. His face was turned toward the wall and he looked as if he had fallen asleep in the midst of begging. One cupped hand sat palm upwards on his thigh to receive any change from passersby.

As Kevvin drew nearer, he thought he recognised Mike. It had been well over a month since he had seen the man. His hair was noticeably longer. It was unwashed and stringy, and hung down his neck and fell over his face. He sat there motionless, as if carved out of stone. He was dressed in his denim jacket, jeans and t-shirt. None of it was dirty, but nothing was fresh either. He'd probably worn the same clothes the day before and it looked like he had slept in them. Maybe he had even fallen asleep hours before where he now sat and had remained there motionless since.

Kevvin slowed his steps a bit, then paused in front of the figure to take a better look at him. It was definitely Mike. Kevvin's presence brought no sign of recognition or any other reaction from him. Kevvin was not sure how to react. Mike himself looked much the worse for wear. He had most likely spent the night partying and was sleeping it off.

Kevvin noted a light stubble on Mike's chin, and there was a shiny smooth patch on one side of his lower lip. The dark red mark stood out against the pink of the flesh around it. The lip itself looked a bit swollen. Mike's eyes seemed circled in dark shadows, but it was hard to tell through the hair, and Kevvin was unwilling to bend over to take a better look.

"Hi Kev. Spare change? I haven't eaten today." Mike's lips barely moved as he spoke the words, and he moved his head not at all, not even raising his eyes to Kevvin standing in front of him. His upturned hand still rested on his leg, waiting.

Kevvin wanted to walk away, but Mike had spoken to him and he could not ignore the boy now. He felt pity for him, but money would not help him. Only Mike could help himself, and he had never shown any interest in doing so when Kevvin had tried to offer him advice in the past. Kevvin was coldly certain that Mike was responsible for whatever had brought this on.

Mike opened his eyes and looked up at Kevvin through the strands of hair covering his face, but still did not turn his face toward him. Kevvin made eye contact, but he still could not see Mike's face clearly. He felt he needed to get a better look at him in order to know how to respond appropriately. He almost felt as if the the simple act of opening his eyes and turning them on Kevvin had taken the totality of Mike's energy. His hand still remained motionless on his leg, waiting for some coins.

It was as if Mike was too lethargic to move, Kevvin thought. It wasn't a completely physical listlessness, though; it was as if Mike did not have sufficient mental energy to rouse himself. Kevvin wondered if this was a symptom of withdrawal. Mike had admitted to using drugs, and Kevvin had always assumed it was with some frequency. He himself didn't know much about the effects of the different drugs addicts took, and he had no idea about what withdrawal looked like.

Kevvin wondered what he should do. He still had not responded to Mike's request. Mike didn't seem to be in any physical danger, but Kevvin was not a doctor. What if Mike's condition was not the result of withdrawal? What if he was still high? Kevvin knew that some drugs acted as depressants on the central nervous system. Barbiturates were controlled substances for exactly that reason. Too much of them, and your body relaxed so much that you forgot to breathe and your heart slowed down until it just stopped beating.

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