34. nothing matters

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I sit on the curb outside of Axel's house. He's right next to me and It's so quiet I can hear him breathing. The sun is just setting and the smell of summer is truly here.

My mind is racing because tomorrow at this time I will be on a flight to California. I'll be starting over and I won't have Axel with me. I won't have the familiar lakes and oceans that I grew up visiting. I won't be able to call that two story shack a home. Everything will be different.

My parents decided to move because my dad won a lottery ticket and, apparently, that sparked some interest to move all the way across the country to try and better themselves.

I get it, but you don't have to move to California to better yourself. Whatever, I can't do anything now.

"You're my best friend," Axel suddenly says while I'm deep in my thoughts.

"You're mine, too," I smile and say.

"I'm yours?" He asks again.

I feel my cheeks heat up when I realize how Axel interpreted my answer.

"Well," I stutter and try to cool my cheeks down, "yeah, I'm yours."

Axel's eyebrows raise and I can tell he's enjoying how flustered he's making me.

"You're mine," he says, correcting my previous statement.

My cheeks suddenly heat up again and I cover my face, because at this point, I just want to laugh.

"No, you're mine and I'm yours," I say, muffled through my fingers.

I see Axel's smug grin and the way he nods really slowly, "How it should be."

I sigh loudly and rest my head on his shoulder. I feel his hand brush up from my forehead, whisking my hair back.

"I don't want to leave," I say quietly, but he hears me.

"And you think that I want you to leave?" He tells me right after.

"Well, no, but I'm glad we're both not emotional messes right now," I tell him while watching the remainer of the sun set.

"Try this time tomorrow," he tells me.

He's right. I don't even want to think about it anymore because every time I think about leaving this place, I feel worse than the previous time.

"Hey, what do you think your parents would do if you told them I'm your boyfriend?"

I look up at Axel and almost laugh out loud but I refrain, keeping my face straight because I suddenly realize the importance of his question. Would that be enough to let me stay here? Would anything be enough to let me stay here?

"I don't know..." I say while trailing off my sentence, looking up into the sky.

Axel's hand cups my chin now, and he slowly guides my face to meet his. I let my eyes focus on his while I still can. They're just as beautiful as the first time I saw them.

He leans in closer so our foreheads are touching and I can feel the tip of his nose brush against mine. I see the streetlights turn on from the corner of my eyes. It's getting colder out but I don't want to ruin this at all, so I deal with it.

I feel his soft lips press against my own, so gently that they're barely there but hard enough to make an impact. This is all I want.

He tastes sweeter when his hand is against my neck. His thumb is brushing against my jawline as we kiss, and I really hope that nobody ruins the moment.

"Orion," he mumbles quietly against my lips, "do you know what people do the day before their significant other leaves for vacation or something without them?"

I shake my head and keep my eyes closed because there's no way we could get any closer.

I hear Axel chuckle under his breath, his hand dropping down to my knee at the same time. He drags his hand up my thigh and I know where this is heading.

"Shouldn't we go inside?" I nervously ask, my nose bumping his again.

He nods and takes my hand to stand up. I follow him inside and up to his bedroom. His parents aren't home and I'm pretty sure that's the only reason we're doing this.

Once in his room, we fall back onto his bed and I can feel the heat building again from just a few movements. I'm barely on top of him and his shirt is already off, his hands trailing mine up my chest so my bellybutton is exposed. I help him and pull it off fully, our lips attaching again like magnets seconds after.

He starts kissing down my chest and I can't help but close my eyes and take in the way he feels against my skin. Sure, this might be the last time for a while, but I just think about him and nothing else.

Nothing else even matters anyway.


Short, but you get the point ;)
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