bonus chapter // who's your daddy

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"Who's your daddy?"

"God," he breathed out, chest heaving, a crimson stain on his cheeks. "I'm- Mina, I'm so close. Stop doing this, just, ugh- just give it to me!"

"Just answer the question, and you'll get what you want," she cooed, grinning devilishly down at him. "Who is your daddy?"

Parker grunted, averting his gaze. "I'm not doing it. I refuse. On principle."

Her dark eyes flashed, a teasing grin toying on her lips. "Parker, are you being a naughty boy?"

The dark-haired boy groaned again, shooting a glare in Mina's direction. "Stop being weird!" he demanded, frowning. "Just give me the goddamn muffin, Mina."

The girl barked out a laugh, crouched on the armrest and continuing to dangle the banana chocolate chip muffin just over Parker's head. He was splayed out on their couch, out of breath and a pout pushing his bottom lip. He fruitlessly stretched to grab the muffin, but it was just inches out of his grasp. His legs had been liquefied by the fifteen-minute chase he'd gone after the girl before, and his breath came in short gasps, cheeks red and dark hair ruffled in frustration. The butter-on-the-floor trick she'd set up in preparation also didn't help when he'd wiped out and acquired a new blossoming bruise on his shin.

She was a menace.

"How the fuck are you so fast?" he complained, dropping his head back down and taking a much-needed break.

A cheeky grin broke out across her face. "I ran track in high school."

"Is that what they're calling mutation-based experiments these days?"

"I'm pretty sure the only thing supernatural about me is my muffin-baking skills. Oh my God, mmm, these are so good," she mused, sinking her teeth into the chocolate-chip goodness and indulging in a smirk his way.

"Stop it! You're the worst! This is so mean!" he whined, mouth gaping. "Those were supposed to be special we-finally-got-an-apartment-together-and-I'm-no-longer-living-with-my-brother-which-I-always-said-didn't-weird-me-out-but-totally-weirded-me-out-the-entire-time-muffins! These are supposed to be celebratory!"

She cocked her head, smiling. "I'm feeling pretty celebrated right now. And you know, you could too. You know what you gotta do."

He shot her a dry look. "I'm not calling you daddy. No way."

"Call me daddy."






She erupted into laughter, head tilting back. "All right, fine, open up."

His eyes narrowed, wary. "Why?"

She blinked, innocence painted with a grin. "Just do as I say, and you'll get a reward. Special from daddy." 

With brows furrowed and a distrustful look, Parker flipped onto his back and slowly parted his mouth. Mina rolled her eyes and picked off a piece of the muffin between her index finger and thumb, leaning over and dangling it just above his lips. "Say ah!"

Parker knew to pick his battles, and so obliged, humming in his throat before the fluffy chunk of muffin dropped onto his tongue, and he grinned.


"Could be better."

"What? How dare y-mpfh!"

Parker took advantage of their new positions and snaked a hand behind her neck, bringing her closer to him and capturing her lips with his own. A noise of surprise sounded in the back of her throat, but quickly melted away as he tilted his head and coaxed the seam of her lips open, trespassing into the heat of her mouth.

Then he pulled back, grinning when he saw her dazed look and kiss-bitten lips. "Compliments to the chef."

She straightened her back, climbing off the couch and ducking her head the way she always did when her face flushed, the tips of her ears burning red. "You're a moron who's not getting any more muffins, so good job."

He watched her disappear into the kitchen, their kitchen, something that still sparked a warmth in his chest whenever the thought crossed his mind. Their kitchen, their couch, their new life. It brought a dumb grin to his face every time.

"That's spider-daddy to you, Mina."


just a little bonus chap for hitting 500K~! thank u guys so much, it means a lot to me that you guys ended up liking this little story, and your comments always make my day~!

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