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previously, in WRONG:

I notice the flipped table and the displaced furniture. Glasses are knocked over the counters, the lights are switched off. My whole crumbles with panic, my stomach twisting into a thousand knots. My eyes widen when I think of why she didn't pick up before.


"Claire!" I shout, panic shooting through my head. I feel my heartbeat accelerate as I run into in every single room, but I can't find her. I am too panicked and flustered to think straight.

"No no no!" I desperately chant, furious worry beating through my whole body.

No, this can't be real. Please.

I run into the living room again, chanting her name in strangled screams. I crumble to the floor, tears in my eyes, overwhelmed by the fear and the sudden realization.

"Claire," I whisper in fear, a tear falling to the wooden floor.

She's... gone.



The wind roars right outside the windows, and vicious silence is yet to be interrupted by her. The marble floor brazes cold against my feet. My body slows down, my muscles failing, my heart desperately jumping, my mind scattering. Minutes go by, and I force myself to realize; She is gone.

I get back on my feet, picking my phone out of my pocket and call her as I run back to the elevator. My fingertips regain feeling when I desperately punch the lobby button as I bring my phone to my ear, my lungs already exhausted from the relentless breathlessness.

The continuous beep from the phone makes my heart race.

"Hello, you've reached Claire, leave a message at the beep!" I hear her voice and my stomach twists into a thousand knots. I hang up, and the elevator door slides open. I get to the reception, but I don't find the receptionist.

The doorman is nowhere to be found either. My whole body trembling, I run into the streets, looking in each direction. No sign of her, or anyone else for that matter. My mind chants muffled screams, and I can't seem to think straight.

I dial 911 as I get back into the building, and then I hear the loud pounds from the door behind the reception. I hurry to it, my palms sweaty, anxiety consuming my body.

"Hello?!" I shout, leaning my ear against the door. Please let it be Claire, please... I can't hear any response.

I back up from the door, and take a running start, my body then clashing against the wood. It breaks open, some of the frame of the door breaking off. Even though I feel weak as ever, my body is filled with adrenaline.

Inside, I find both the receptionist and doorman tied up, with duct tape over their mouths. Their bodies squirm with fear, and my worry grows stronger. No, no, no...

"Fuck," I whimper, my voice breaking. I get to my knees, and rip the tape off, and untie their hands.

"What the fuck happened!" I shout, their eyes full of panic. It takes a few seconds for them to catch their breaths, shaking their heads.

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