It's Him

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I'm dedicating this chapter to @Treasongirl, because her comments make me smile :) and she motivated me to put this up earlier than planned :D

I love this song by Kenny G.

To me, it describes what Catherine is feeling as she recognizes the man in front of her. 

Especially the second verse. You'll understand :)

Enjoy! ^^


Nancy's eyes switched back and forth  from Catherine to Christopher. Then she cleared her throat, indicating to them that they had forgotten about her. But they did not respond. He had let go of Catherine's hand, yet they stood still staring at each other. One with a dumbstruck look, the other with a grin he tried to contain.

Catherine wasn't able to utter a word as she looked at the man standing in front of her. Her mind was all over the place. First she had to overcome the surprise of seeing him again, then the shock of learning who he actually was.

What is going on? CEO? How's that possible? Why would the CEO of DA group be taking the bus.... the bus... 

Suddenly flashbacks of their encounters ran through her mind.

The man that made her feel secure and happy just by sitting next to her every weekday, was right in front of her once more. Catherine felt her heart pound. Seeing him made her realize how much she'd missed him. How much she had longed to see him smile to her again.

She really tried, but was not able to forget him. Every time she thought of him these past three months, her heart ached when it hit her that she would never see him again.  She had become used to having him next to her, it was only when he was no longer there, that she realized how much she had grown attached to him. She struggled to face every week day without him next to her in the evening.

She had hoped to see him at least one more time, just one last time, to say goodbye. To tell him how happy he made her. To tell him how those little things he did, melted her heart each time. To tell him that in spite of her stressful and tiring work days he made her feel refreshed and energized. But he was gone, he was no longer by her side. She had nothing more than memories. Memories of a man so perfect, it felt like it was only a dream. So, it made perfect sense for the dream to end. 

Yet somehow, he was appearing in her life again, standing right there, in front of her. He was near her, she was seeing him again, hearing his voice one more time.

For a little moment, forgetting that she was in front of one of the most powerful men in the country, she imagined herself next to the simple stranger from the bus, greeting him, and asking how he was doing as he sat next to her. She wanted to run into his arms, and ask that he never disappears like that ever again. Her eyes lingered on his face, the face of the man she had persuaded herself she would never see anymore. 

Chris...topher. So that's his name. Christopher. It really is him right ? 

She was worried that it was all her imagination, that none of it was real.

"Miss Rogers," he said, pulling her out of her daydream, "tell me, what led you to..."

He was interrupted by a knock on the door.

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