The Beltane Party

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Many of the young women flooding out of the hallways of Meghan's school glanced at me on their way to their vehicles, some of the young men, too. An even greater number of those girls spared me more than just a fleeting look. One of them almost tripped over a curb. Had I been much younger, their obvious scrutiny might have made me laugh. Now, I was only mildly amused. Having been the subject of women's interest for so long now, their consideration no longer affected me. After all, what good was admiration if it went only skin deep? Huffing a great sigh, I tilted my head so that my chin rested on my chest and shifted my weight, resettling on the hood of my Trans Am. There was only one young woman whose good opinion I desired, and when I happened to look up again, she was walking toward me.

Instantly, my glamour stirred in its sleep, sensing Meghan's own magic as much as I sensed her presence. We hadn't parted on the best of terms, what with Danua driving a wedge between us the last time we were in Eile. The same wedge I had feared the moment the Dagda had informed me of her true identity. Had Meghan been the daughter of Tuatha De nobility, that would have been hard enough, but somehow I might have managed to convince her parents I was worthy of her. But no, she had to be the high queen's daughter. If someone from Danua's court were to ask her who would be the most inappropriate match for her daughter, she would undoubtedly name me.

Despite my dismal outlook on life, however, there was one spark of hope for me to hold onto: Meghan had asked me to her prom. True, it was only a dance and she may have only been asking me as a friend, but it meant she wasn't ready to cut me out of her life quite yet.

As Meghan drew closer, I left my wayward thoughts alone and pulled open the door for her. After tossing her backpack and duffle bag into the back, she settled into the passenger seat and we were soon on our way. Once we reached the end of the road behind the swamp, I pulled off to the side and locked my car before Meghan and I headed for the dolmarehn. Speirling was waiting for us on the other side, just beyond the tangled forest's edge. I helped Meghan onto his back and then climbed up behind her. We took our time traveling to the Dagda's since his Beltane party didn't start for several hours. I informed Meghan it was to give Speirling a break since he'd be carrying both of us, when in reality I simply wanted an excuse to have her nestled up close to me.

My foster father welcomed us to his domain with all the warmth and affability I expected of him, and a strange yet not unpleasant sensation of joy swept through me when Meghan stepped comfortably into his open arms. If only Danua held the same regard for me . . .

The Dagda led Meghan away, laughing and speaking with her as if they'd known one another their entire lives.

"You'll be staying in your customary room then, Caedehn?"

I turned around and felt some of the tension drain from my body.

"Yes, Alannah, and no need to escort me. I know the way."

Alannah arched a dark brow then placed her hands on her hips, her mouth quirking up on one side. "I see. Wouldn't want to make your young lady jealous should she spy us walking arm in arm?"

My gaze narrowed and Alannah only laughed.

"Are you sure you do not wish to have a conjoining room with hers? The festivities are still hours away and I can think of at least one way the two of you might pass the time."

Despite Alannah's attempt at teasing me in regards to my relationship with Danua's daughter, a sly grin worked its way onto my face. I crossed my arms and gave her a chastising look. Oh, I liked her suggestion very much, but I was pretty certain Meghan might be a little averse to the idea.

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