Our little family of misfits

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The only way that we can live is if we grow.

 The only way we can grow is if we change.

 The only way we can change is if we learn. 

The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. 

And the only way that we are exposed

 is if we throw ourselves into the open.


Harpers Pov

(Outside of the house above)"It's not much, but this is where we have to stay" I sigh pushing open the cold oak door

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(Outside of the house above)
"It's not much, but this is where we have to stay" I sigh pushing open the cold oak door.
"What is this place?" She asks smiling brightly.
"This is m-our safe place" I smile tracing my fingers along the table "But it needs a bit of a clean up," I say more to myself.
I shuffle along over to the cupboard under the sink and pull out a huge box of cleaning supplies.
"You go have a nap if you want," I tell her seeing her yawn I the corner of my eye.
She nods before climbing up the small carved set of stairs I had made from a pile of recovered wood logs.
In a matter of only days if being here this was the first lace I saw after my dad forced me to move and in only about two months this was the place I visited most.
Well, before Heyden took me away.
Ugh, Heyden.
I frown and my heart aches at the thought of him not being next to me.
We should go back to him
the voice in my head says suddenly making my jump.
"Who are you" I mumble quietly trying not to disturb Miko.
Me? Oh, let's just say...I am a part of you in more ways than one she snickers.
"Well at least tell me your name!" I growl quietly.
Okay okay, don't get your panties in a twist she giggled the names, Thea. 
I felt an emptiness in my head like someone blocked me and she didn't answer after that.
After that distraction, I shook my head and turned back to the cleaning supplies.

This is gonna take a while

Wiping the small beads of sweat that began rolling down my forehead I step back to look at the now clean space.
A triumphant smile plastered itself onto my lips as I skipped over to the fridge.
Swinging open the door I frown.
Mental note, go shopping, I sigh pulling out some mince and shutting the door of the fridge.
I then grabbed some sauce and pasta from the cupboard before grabbing a pan.
Filling the pan with water I set it on the stove and as it began to boil I added the pasta.
While doing this I grabbed another pan and placed the mince in it to cook.
I switched from each one every few minutes until they were both done.
Smiling I drain the water from the pasta and place it on two plates before adding the sauce to the mince and mixing it a little while longer.
Then one it was done I put it on the two plates and set the on the small table.
I close the window next to where I was cooking and shiver a little.
Then I slipped out the front door and down the side of our little home.
The feeling of eyes watching me made me panic a little and hurry up.
In a matter of seconds, I felt my hands grasp the large pile of the dry rotting wood and I hastily picked them up.
The cold crisp air made my hairs stand on end and this was only when I realized that it was around 7 at night.
The stars were pinpricks in the silk blanket of dark blue and the moon was high in the sky flaunting off its sickening beauty in the center of it all.
Rushing over to the door I shut it and lock it behind me before setting the wood by the log burner.
I separate the logs and throw three of them in the fireplace and grab a match adding that to the mix.
A small explosion of red yellow and orange danced across the small window that sat in the middle of the door of the log burner.
The flames snapped and launched themselves around the enclosed space and bounced around like young kittens playing with each other.
The warmth radiated from the burning wood and the sound of soft crackles and burning wood floated through the space.
After a few minutes of appreciating the small picture of beauty, I stand.
I climb the ladders and crawl over to her small sleeping body that had nestled itself under a mountain of blankets.
"Miko" I shake her gently and she groans a little "I made us some tea" I whisper and she immediately sits up.
We make our way down and I grab us two glasses of water.
A comfortable silence filled the space before her small voice spoke.
"What happened to your family?" She asked quietly.
"Well...my mother was" I take a deep breath "She was shot when I was very young and my dad...he is in jail now," I say looking at my hands.
"My mummy was shot when I was littler...The people you saw me with were not my real parents" She frowned.
"My real parents were killed when i was born and someone saved me from death" She saws staring at the wall "then i was given to those people and they beat me because i was 'naughty' but now they are dead and im with you" she smiled slightly before her eyes began tearing up.
"Hey hey hey its okay" I reassure her before moving to crouch down beside her and hug her.
"I-i dont want you to get h-hurt o-or l-leave me like the others" She cried and i hugged her closer.
"I will never leave you Miko. Nothing and i mean nothing is going to take you away from me and vise versa" I whisper stroking her hair.
"Can we be a family" She whimpers tears streaming from her eyes and I nod.
"Of course baby, our own little family of misfits" I laugh lightly kissing her head.
We break apart and she heads to bed while I put the plates in the sink.
Before I go up I slip into the bathroom and look at my back.
Claw marks stretched from the top to the bottom of my back and dry blood was all over my back.
But the wounds were not as bad as before.
Somehow they had managed to almost completely heal already and that was just a matter of hours go.
I grab a sponge and clean off the dry blood before putting on an oversized shirt and heading up to our bed.
Miko was sat waiting wearing one of my shirts that caused me to laugh a little.
We snuggled ourselves in the mass amounts of blankets and closed our eyes.
She snuggled into my chest and I wrapped my arms around her small body.
"Night mummy" She whispers.
"Night baby" I whisper back kissing her head.
"I love you" She yawns nestling further into the blankets.
My body froze and my heart melted.

"I love you too, pumpkin"


They are now in a safe place and the voice is called Thea.

Also! what do you think is going to happen next?

Thank you guys for almost 3K!

Love you all and I will be doing a thank you shout out in a bit!




-Tasha xox 

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