1-A Visit To Digestive system

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Without having energy from this system we can't even move our fingers.



When I entered, the class spoke in a single voice, even though it was a routine, that day it had an air of excitement.

"Wa-laykum-asslam! Looks like everyone got the permission, didn't you?" I asked with a smile.

"Yup! got it!"

"Umar! Can you please collect the letters and hand them over to me!" I said to the class monitor.

Within no time we all were in schools garage to board on the ship,the kids were looking very excited. I was too, because my dream was to be fulfilled.

"Sir! How much will this ship shrink?" Farooq asked.

"You can shrink it as you like, but today it has to be shrunk to the size of a glucose molecule,because we will to travel through capillaries and inside the cells."

"It means that we will not even be seen by human eyes?" Ahmed was astonished.

"Yes! certainly! Now make a que and step up into the ship."

The ship ascended with all of us safely inside and it shrinked along the way as we go up until it reached to the size of a glucose molecule.

We were going to the new world, the world inside us, all through the past history, mankind was unaware about our own inner world, even now we do not know our body and its functions precisely.

We were flying toward our target, we entered in one of the house of our city, roamed through the rooms, in a room we saw some people eating.

Ahh! Food,neatly and nicely set on a dining table.

My mouth filled with water, but we couldn't eat the food because we were too small,our ship circled the dining table, at last we landed on a food filled plate of a boy.

We waited; what will happen next? Time dragged on. After a long wait, the boy finally scooped us up along with a spoon full of food and placed us upon his tongue. It was very scary the way the tongue started to move the food around. The food had to be chewed thoroughly, also to be checked so that no hair or stones etc, would go inside the body. We had to be careful to not be crushed between the teeth, though we were smaller than the chewed food but still the fear was there.

Sticky liquid, added to the mix to make the food soft and chewable while the tongue was giving the chewed food the shape of a ball so that it can easily be swallowed down the throat.

"Sir! Where is this slippery liquid coming from?" Umar asked.

"It is coming from the salivary glands present under our tongue, and this liquid is known as saliva."

"Sir! What is the purpose of this saliva?"

"Wait and see."

Farooq stared at the saliva and muttered, "Who is it? Who can arrange for the "saliva" and send it here?"

"Of course this is our Rabb; the Sustainer has given us these systems to maintain our life on earth. These glands are present under the tongue, they can't see or feel but our eyes can see, our nose can smell and our tongue can taste. They all use the nervous system to send signals to the brain and the brain then order the salivary glands to make saliva" I explained to him.

Umer spared a questioning glance towards the saliva surrounding the ship.

"Do you want to know what it is made of?" I asked him and he nodded.

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