Phones, Chocolate and Snow

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Zayn's POV

I reached the Valley Park at 8:59 and now, it's 9:50 and Iris is no where to be found.

I've texted her 10 times and called twice. Her phone is switched off. And I don't even have any other number of hers.

After walking around the park for half an hour, I felt tired as hell. I sat down, drank some water from the tap and now, it's starting to irritate me. I've been sitting here for more than half an hour and Iris, she's literally lost.

I called mum to ask her mum whether she left. Mum started to gush how we knew each other. After I asked her to stop gushing and ask her mum whether she left or not, she again started gushing that how we were gonna meet up. I ultimately ended the call, fed up of her gushing.

And here I am now, my phone battery at 2% and my life at 0%. Standing in a typical cold Bradford night with just a jacket on when it can start snowing anytime. You got that right, my life sucks right now.

I take out my Blackberry, ultimately keeping my dear iPhone inside. It still got quite some charging. If 35% is enough to hold me on for the time till Iris comes, let it be. I'm not leaving without giving her these flowers and chocolates.

Yeah, why waste the resources?

God, you just appear out of no where.

Because I'm your conscience, your soul, your sense. I cannot be seen or felt.

But do you feel? Do you have feelings?

Yes, obviously I do.

Then better stay quiet or else I'll punch you. And remember, after the punch, you'll feel a lot. Very very much.

Ooh, someone's in a bad mood because someone else kept them waiting.

Yeah, maybe because I've been standing in the cold for what, 1 and a half hour now! This girl, she is so not punctual.

Aw, you miss her already?

Remember when I said that I was going to punch you? Forget it. I'll just straight kill you.

Calm down angry young man. She'll be here soon.

And you won't be here for too long. You'll be up there and I'll he here talking to her so, shut up.

Okay okay! I will. But look at those chocolates, I feel hungry and they are so tempting.

Yeah, they ar - wait no! They are for Iris and only her

But still, feel their chocolaty taste. Look at them. They feel so soft and cute and warm. Just one.

No shut up! You're distracting me!

But they look so beautiful, wrapped in that nice cover, looking so chocolaty and nice.

Yeah, that's so beautiful. I should taste one.

Yeah, go on. Taste on of those and feel like you're in heaven.

Yeah, I need to taste one, at least. They look so delicious and yummy, so nice and - Wait! Dammit, I am not falling for you! Last time I ended up eating all the chocolates I brought from US for Safaa and had to do 4 days workout! Shut up!

Haha okay!

And I will not fall, hey wait, is that Iris?

The shadow appears like hers.

Yeah. It's probably her. She's gonna get a piece of my mind now. I am so not letting her go without scolding her for being so late.

"Zayn?" I heard a voice.

"Iris?" I asked.

"Yep, that's me."

"Where in the world were you? It's-" I looked at my watch, "-10:59! You are so not punctual Iris!" I said, exasperatedly.

"Yeah, sorry." I heard her say.

"Yeah, extremely sorry, aren't you? But your voice really doesn't go with your feelings." I said, sarcasm dripping from my words.

She nodded.

"Because I am not. Not sorry at all."

She smiled. I couldn't really say whether it was a mischievous smile or a genuine one. But what can be said, you can never judge a girl like her. She's as unpredictable as the weather.

I felt something cold on my nose. A snowflake.

Great! Now it's gonna snow! This couldn't get worse.

Never say that something can't get worse. Because whenever you say that, it does. It gets worse somehow.


Hello guys! I'm back.
I have loads of stuff to tell you guys but I'm super busy.
I'll update twice tomorrow, least i plan to but no promises.
And the main blockbuster thing is gonna happen in Zayn's POV. I plan so. Actually, I don't know.
Never mind.
Okay, now I gotta go, bye!

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