Chapter 16 | Out of My League

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"They were pretty nice," Addy acknowledges as we sit on the couch together. "You know they called my brother a day before me and told him they were leaving? Yeah, they called me last minute."

I frown and extend my arms out. She voluntarily leans in and snuggles into me. "I just wish they saw how hard I worked, I mean I'm out here kicking nursing school's ass and they don't even notice!" She exhales as I massage her head. "All they care about is Jayden and his law degree or whatever."

"Well, when you make beaucoup bucks and save lives, you can rub it in their faces."

Man, I am terrible at consoling.

She laughs, but I can hear the sadness in her voice. "Can your parents adopt me into your family?"

"You're already are a part of my family, trust me, I think my mom loves you more than me." We both giggle at the thought and she sits up.

"Anyway, have you talked to Miles yet? Is he driving you to school, or am I?"

I knit my eyebrows together, turning on my phone to check if I have any messages. "Actually, I haven't talked to him since he dropped me off at school yesterday..."

"Oh, that's really strange. Have you tried texting him?"

"Yeah, but I'll send him a message and tell him I can just go to school with you." I get up and head to my room to get ready.

Addy leans up against my door frame as I pull my hair up into a ponytail. "Bell, I don't think I can come to your gig tonight."

"You know you're not obligated to come to my gigs?" I laugh. "You have a job to attend, plus you need the free time."

"So you're not mad?" Her voice is now relaxed.

"Of course not, you don't even have to drive me again! I enjoy walking."

She snorts. "You need a car."

"I need the exercise."

I walk into my Anatomy class with a pounding heart. I haven't seen Miles since our little rendezvous in my apartment yesterday, and for some reason, I'm nervous too.

We had a sleepover.

I cuddled with Miles.

I shake the thought out of my head and amble to my seat, which to no surprise is empty. As I sit, I dig out my phone to see if I have any messages. I don't, which is strange because Miles normally texts me in the mornings. So, I send him a quick message before hiding my phone back in my bag.

"Where are you, Asswipe? Class is starting and you're not here... I even brought you a pack of pencils! - Bell."

Five minutes pass and class has started, but he's still not here.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, forty minutes and I realize he isn't coming, he hasn't even texted back. This is unlike him, so I make a mental note to stop by his apartment later tonight. I don't want to keep sending him messages or calls; it's most likely none of my business what he's doing.

After class, I saunter down the courtyard sidewalk to get a drink at a coffee stand, but I'm stopped when I see Noel and his little posse perched at a table. Wow, he looks like shit... He has a black eye and a bruised chin. Whoever did that to him must've been pissed off, but he's such an ass that he probably deserved it.

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