British Guys Aren't Cute - Chapter Nineteen

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'All British castles and old country homes are supposed to be haunted. It’s in the lease,'

Bob Hope, 'I owe Russia $1200'

Post 272: 

Fact: You will not survive a royal ball sober. It's practically written in the fine print of dating a prince, 'must realise that you will have to get shit faced during balls,'. Just make sure you don't get too drunk... too drunk as in you spend the entire night chasing after a woman wearing fur, shouting to her that she killed Bambi's mother, while the queen who is supposed to be making sure you don't make a fool of yourself is on the floor in hysterics.

Nora had woken up too many times hung-over. Sick feeling swelling in the stomach, head thumping with pain, patchy dry throat. It was all to familiar to any average student. However, when Nora woke up feeling like somebody had run her over twice during the night, she wasn't alone. 

"I'm-gonna-be-sick," the queen quickly shouted as she jumped out of the bed and shot across the room to the toilets, holding her sick back until she reached the toilet. Nora sat up in the bed, wondering why the hell she was in Milo's bedroom with the queen. She slowly and carefully rolled herself out of the bed — having to stop every so often because of dizziness. Nora toddled slowly over to the bathroom, and held back the puking queen's hair, patting her back slightly. 

The bright lights from the bathroom made Nora feel even worse, her hang-over taking full effect. 

“What the hell did I drink last night?" she thought out loud, trying to remember the night.

"Rum, and lot's of it," the queen quickly mummbled,  as she emptied the last of her stomach, the smell of sick hanging strongly in the air. 

"Great!" Nora replied sarcastically, some memories of the night before coming back to her. She was sure that something had happened with Milo, something that she was supposed to remember.

"I must say, you do a wonderful pirate impression," the queen complemented, groaning slightly as she lifted her head up from the toilet and flushed all the puke away.

"Why thank you," Nora replied drily, before helping the queen off the floor. Nora quickly grabbed an empty glass before turning the sink tap on and filling the glass. "Why were you in Milo's bed by the way?" Nora questioned, passing the glass over to the queen. 

"Do you not remember anything from last night?" the queen questioned, smirking slightly with her eyebrows raised.

"Not really," Nora replied, a little scared of her forgotten actions of the night before.

"It's probably better that way hunny, you're a pretty insane drunk!" the queen answered, "But we were in Milo's bed because you refused to sleep with anybody else, kept calling me your partner in crime. You kicked Milo out of bed and forced him to go sleep some other room," the queen smiled, chucking to herself. 

"I bet he was just super happy at that!" Nora smiled back, not remembering anything.

"I think he understood for some reason, you kept mumbling something about Dan," the queen replied, her eyebrow raising in question.

"Don't remember a thing!" Nora replied, shrugging her shoulders. 

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm going back to bed!" the queen replied, before slowly turning around and walking out of the bathroom. 

"I'm gonna get some toast, see if Milo can fill me in on what the hell happened last night," Nora replied from the door frame of the bathroom, watching the queen fall down on Milo's comfy bed before sleepily mumbling a reply to Nora. Nora didn't bother to ask the queen what she had said, and just left Milo's bedroom, quietly closing the door behind her, before trying to remember which way it was to the kitchen. 

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