Chapter 15: Double Dating

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It took a lot of convincing for Ethan to let me go on the date. I know it's not like he was jealous or anything, but it was kind of nice to see Ethan all concerned about me going out with Troy. I tried to tell Ethan about how I didn't think Troy could possibly be the killer, but he didn't care. He said that every girl that Troy knew seemed to end up dead. I couldn't argue with that, but I did remind Ethan that this could be an excellent way to get some dirt out of Troy. He finally agreed, if he could come with. I argued with Ethan, but he wouldn't relent, which is how I ended up agreeing to go on a double date with me and Troy and Ethan and...

Ethan called Jenna Martin, first, to see if she wanted to come as his date. He had this idea about shocking Troy into confessing, with Vanessa Martin's look alike. Even if Troy knew about the twin sister thing, it would still be a shock to see a dead girl's look alike sitting across from you on a double date. And, although I could see Ethan's reasoning and I knew his calling Jenna was for a good cause, I tried not to feel jealous or anything as I listened in on his side of the conversation. Ethan explained the details to her and what we suspected of Troy Matthews, but Jenna turned Ethan down. Jenna said it was just too soon for her and if Troy was the killer...she just couldn't do it. She'd jump out of her skin getting anywhere near him.

I could see her point. Ethan wanted to call it off again after talking to Jenna, but I wouldn't let him. I still thought I could get something out of Troy by simply talking to him a little more. Ethan thought I was nuts, but finally agreed to humor me.

We threw around alternative ideas for last minute dates, but Ethan seemed set on one in particular. It was the worst one possible, in my opinion. He was just positive she would say yes. I didn't see how she could say no either, but I still didn't want Ethan asking her. So, I begged. 

And, I pleaded with Ethan about his next choice, but he wouldn't listen, which is how I ended up going on a double date with me and Troy and Ethan and Ariel. Can you believe it? My first real date ever and I was going with a potential serial killer, my ex best friend/arch enemy, and the hottest guy in school that I kind of had a crush on, except he wasn't going with me. The potential serial killer who asked me out was pretty cute too, though, and besides, I didn't think he had anything to do with the murders, except for the fact that for some reason he knew most of the victims. So, maybe it would all work out in the end. I hoped.

I did feel a little bit better when I heard Ethan tell Ariel that he expected her to be nice to me. I could hear whines coming from her end of the line, but she must have been so excited about getting to gloat at being Ethan's date, that she agreed anyway. Plus, she was probably hoping that he'd change his mind and accept her Homecoming invitation. Ariel's status as a popular cool girl would go up a couple points if he did. She couldn't not accept.

How in the world had Ethan explained being on double date terms to Ariel? He claimed that I was good friends with Liz. Ariel wouldn't know he was lying. She didn't know any of my friends anymore or that I didn't actually really have any. Ethan told her that I was also a volunteer at the animal shelter and that he had been helping me get through Liz's loss. That was possible, if Ariel really thought about it. She knew I really liked cats, at least. Ethan then went on to explain that this double date was a set up to help cheer me up. It was almost laughable, like Ariel Walker would ever want to cheer me up. She had her chance when my mom was sick and instead she ditched me and since then all she'd ever done was make fun of me and spread malicious gossip. I'd believe she cared when pigs really did fly. Ethan even convinced Ariel to lie about the whole college class thing, so Troy wouldn't know I was lying about being in college. I guess miracles could happen or Ariel was just really, really, really out to impress Ethan. My bet was on the latter.

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