Chapter Two: Cold Trove

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Mission Time: +212.2 Earth-years

Doctor Tai smiled and made a note on his arm-calc. "You're as healthy as a moa," he said.

Ryder leaned forward on the bed's edge and looked at the grated floor. "What's a moa?"

Tai smiled again. "You've never been to Zealandia, have you?"

Ryder shook his head. "North America Province, born and raised."

"It's a resurrected species of flightless bird. Very large."

Ryder frowned. "I have a slight headache."

"That should go away in a few minutes." Tai moved away from the bed.

"I've also had a few bouts of nausea."

"Humans have a pair of sense organs often erroneously referred to as the inner ear, called the vestibular system, which we use to balance ourselves. Some people are a bit overly sensitive to Coriolis forces, and this causes nausea. You should adjust to it naturally. If you're still getting nauseated during the next mission segment, come talk to me and we'll look into it further."

"Okay. Have you heard anything about the new star system?" Ryder asked. He made no motion to stand.

Tai hesitated, turning halfway back to Ryder. "Just that the sun is a type-K."

"Hmf, figures. I wonder how long it will be before we run into another type-G."

The doctor shrugged. "Could be a while, I suppose."

Ryder jumped down onto the metal grate. "But the question is, how long can you really keep us alive?"

Tai took a step towards him. "Are you alright, Mr. Kask?"

"I'm not that old. Call me Ryder." The floor of the medical bay sloped gently upwards at either end. "I'm just thinking out loud."

"Well, I understand your concerns. But it's too early to give up hope." Tai walked over to an output display on the wall.

Ryder looked around at the beds in the empty bay, and up at the white spotlights embedded in the ceiling. He ran a hand over his closely cropped hair. "Mm. Well, I guess you have more crew coming in."

Tai looked back at him and nodded. "Have a good day, Ryder."

Ryder walked to the door and slid it open. Then he stopped and said, "You know, I always had the feeling some disaster like this would happen. I never could picture the mission working out. But this data discrepancy--isn't it just too bizarre?" He went out into the corridor before Tai could respond.

Ryder nodded to Kahu, who passed him and entered the medical bay. Ryder continued on for about forty degrees. He reached his cabin and entered.

Zhong and Ihaia were standing inside, near his desk.

"What the hell is this?" Ryder said.

"Have a seat," Zhong said as Ihaia pulled out a chair.

Ryder slid the door shut behind him. "You're going through my stuff? My files?"

"We don't want to disrupt crew harmony, but there is a serious security matter to which we must attend," Zhong said.

Ryder sighed and sat in a chair. He opened his hands. "What do you want?"

"The last mission segment ..." Zhong looked around the cabin as if observing something.

"What about it?"

"Where were you at 21:30? Where did you go after the briefing?"

"My cabin."

"Did anyone see you? Was anyone else with you in your cabin?"

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