Episode 1: A family of heroes

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I board next to my twin Cody down the sidewalk, well I hover over it. We stop as Mr. Harrison flies over with his helicopter helmet “Hi Mr. Harrison!” Cody yells and I give him a 2 finger salute. Mr. Harrison waves before his helmet goes wacko “Woah.” Cody yells ducking out of the way as I flip off my board and land in a crouch “I’m okay!” Mr. H yells as he rights himself as me and Cody start off again to school. We hear police sirens before Dad pulls up next to us “Cody and Annie Burns, Griffin Rock PD. Please pull over.” Dad tells us with a straight face “Figured you’d want to say goodbye to the ol’ rust bucket, its her last day on the job.” Dad tells us patting the side of his cruiser Cody sighs “I still don’t see why the city is making you get a new car Dad, this one works fine.” Cody whines and I nod in agreement that car brought me and Cody home from the hospital for cheese sakes! “Progress kiddos. This wouldn’t be a high tech testing ground if we stayed back.” Dad reminds us softly before Kade has to open his big trap 

“Give it up Dad, if Cody had his way we’d be peddling everywhere.” I give Kade my family famous death glare which he ignores “Course you’d still be on training wheels Kade.” Dani rebuts as she and Graham ruffle Kades hair “Ha yeah the helmet might mess up your hair.” Graham adds smirking and I give him a thumbs up “Ge, quit it Graham.” Kade whines making me wonder how me and Cody are the youngest. “Don’t forget to be at the dedication this afternoon.” Dad reminds us and I give him a salute “Do you think I could test drive the...” Cody starts before Dani cuts him off “Cody we’re getting rescue vehicles not go-karts.” I roll my eyes no really Dani I didn’t know. “Sorry pal, for authorized emergency personnel only.” Graham reminds flashing his card making me pout, meanies. Cody sighs again “So basically everyone in the family but us.” Cody says finally bringing me into the conversation. “I have to drop these trouble makers off so I can catch a chopper to the mainland, you get you're bottoms to school. And twins, give it time. You’ll find your places.” Dad says patting Codys shoulder then mine. Dad drives away and we go to a boring day of school.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AFTER SCHOOL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I’m waiting as Cody turns on the lock for his bike with just my board tucked under my arm watching Dad up on the stage. “Cody, Annie come here!” Frankie yells getting our attention. We walk over and slip through the crowd to the front. I smile comes over my face as we walk over to Frankie and her dad Doc Green. “Hey Doc, Hey Frankie.” Cody greets for me as Frankie holds up some kind of magazine? “Isn’t this exciting? The tech is like nothing like I’ve ever seen.” Frankie says dreamily making me snort slightly, I can build that stuff in my sleep. Dad clears his throat getting everyone's attention 

“Hello thank you for coming folks.” I smile and I hear Frankie tell Cody “I’m not talking about the rescue stuff, I’m talking about this. The new exhibit at the museum!” Frankie says I block out whatever she says next  just wanting to see the new rescue vehicles. “Our town has a long history of being on the cutting edge of new technology. Now thanks to our friends in Washington, I give you the latest in emergency response the Rescue Bots!” Dad says motioning to 4 rising platforms where a fire truck, bulldozer, police cruiser and helicopter are parked. People start to clap before Dad turns to the vehicles    

“Robots, transform.” Dad orders and each of the vehicles turn into giant robots! I don’t even know how to describe them. Sounds of astonishment and awe come from the crowd and my jaw drops “These robotic rescue vehicles will streamline our resources, now 1 human team with 1 robot can do the work of an entire police force, fire department,” at that Kade struts out looking like a proud peacock “Emergency response unit” Dad says looking at Dani who smiles at the crowd “And Engineering core.” Dad finishes “Each robot is programed only to respond to the commands of it’s handler.” Dad says as Kade, Dani and Graham come to stand next to him “So you can sleep at night knowing that Griffin Rock is protected by the best technology and humanity has to offer.” Dad holds out his arms indicating to our older siblings. Cheers ring out and I clap really loudly because I can’t whistle. 

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