Harry Potter

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You wished with all your heart you would get Harry when you thrust your hand into the bag. Pulling out the broken glasses, you nearly screamed with joy but had to take a deep breath to restrain yourself. You stepped into the bedroom exhilarated yet nervous. When Harry came in and the door shut, your heart beat unimaginably fast. He seemed uncomfortable.

"Harry", you said,'"what's wrong?"

"Nothing", he replied, "it's just well I like this girl a lot but I don't want to tell her in case I get rejected."

"Just tell her, she probably likes you too."

"Do you really think I should ask her?"

"Yeah, definitely."

"Okay, thanks."

You both sat there awkwardly.

"Uh, (y/n) can I tell you something?" you heard Harry say

"Sure shoot."

Well (y/n) the thing is I really like you and..."

You cut him of with a kiss. He sat there stunned for a moment but then he smiled and kissed you back.

At that moment light flooded into the room as the door opened...

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