Chapter 3 - Soulmate

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∞ | Chapter 3 - Soulmate | ∞

Rebellion Lands

Adrastea studied the body in front of her. The poison was spreading fast through his system and perhaps in a week, he would be dead.

"He won't die will he?" Valia questioned urgently.

Adrastea looked up and quickly shook her head once she took note of the anxious and fearful expression on the woman's face. She grabbed her medical bag and began placing it onto a spare table beside the body and took whatever she needed from it.

Adrastea was also aware of the few pairs of eyes on her but it didn't matter. A man's life depended on her and Adrastea was never one who would abandon someone in need.

"His condition would be in stage four," she announced as she took in the blood red veins appearing on the man's pale skin and the dark red circles around his closed eyes. The blonde let out a strangled gasp of horror.

"What? You can help him can't you?"

"Darius, get Valia out." A cool voice spoke and immediately, a man began gently ushering the blonde woman out.

To be honest, Adrastea felt better that Valia was out of the tent, she could concentrate better now without her  watching her every move. It had taken perhaps less than an hour for their vehicle to reach the rebellion camp and by then, Jarek had recovered although he was a little weak.

Valia had begun ushering her into the Medic tent when two more men joined them, she hadn't really paid them any attention once she caught sight of the body on the table.

She began preparing the cure and inserted it into the syringe before tearing out slips of medical tape and pushing the sleeves of the shirt up the man's arm.

The sound of glass clinking together made her briefly look up to see the man that stayed looking through the items in her pack. She suddenly realised he was studying the bottles labelling the different cures for the different stages of the Bloodberry poison.

"One wrong move and you'll be next on this table," she warned, her eyes went back to the patient in front of her.

She didn't notice the man freezing in shock as if a ghost had appeared in front of him. He was so still that he almost resembled a statue.

She also wasn't aware of the suddenly narrowed pair of eyes scrutinising her with well-concealed interest.

After a moment of silence, a deep and polished voice spoke. "I would like to see that happen."

She froze and her heart raced.

Those seven words were the first words she had learnt to read. It was an understatement to say she knew them by heart. It would be impossible to say that she had no idea what it meant.

Never had she realised that by coming here to the rebellion's camp that she would meet her soul mate.

She didn't even want one.

Her eyes snapped wide open in shock but she forced herself to get her composure back. She didn't have time for this. A man's life depended on her now.

Her movements were almost robotic as her mind contemplated the fact that the man opposite her, studying her was her soul mate.

"You can heal him can't you?" His silky voice questioned as he paced around the room like a hunter hunting his prey.

She paused and her eyes lifted up to meet his.

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