Chapter Six

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Back to Emeralds Point of View

I gasped waking up and I felt like I was dumped in an ice bath. I was freezing. Sniffing the air I think I'm in the hospital. Ugh my head hurts. I whined a bit and kept sniffing and feeling around me. A bed. A few wolfs had been here, probably nurses and a doctor.

I heard the door open and then someone's breath hitch. "Hello Miss Emerald. Glad to see you awake" the mans heart slowed and then sped up again.

"W-where am I? And who are you?" I felt the hairs on my back rise and Kya started to growl.

"No worries. I'm a doctor. My name is Doctor Budowski. But you can call me Ale. You were submitted into the hospital by Alpha Ryder after you were attacked" I groaned. Now I remember.

"I know you can't see but now I'm just checking on your needles and making sure they are in place and making sure you don't need a switch" I sensed his footsteps stop by the bed and a few clicks on a machine.

"Alright Miss. Your charts seem okay but I'm gonna need you to stay for about another few days to make sure. Alpha doesn't like when pack members come out looking like weaklings.." he mumbled the last part and made me frown. He treats his pack like crap. I haven't heard one thing good about him from the time I've been here. At my old pack everyone adored Carson. My old pack.

The thought made me whimper. "Are you okay miss?" Ale said, slight concern to his voice. I nodded at his voice and sighed.

"Just thinking" I made my head go down and heard him start walking away.

"I'm leaving now. Have a good day. Get some rest Miss" I nodded again and heard the door open and then shut. I let out a sigh of relief and laid down. This bed is really uncomfortable. I groaned and eventually.


Someone's scent awoke me. It was far away but it would wake me. It's supposed to be in love. To be awoken by a warm feeling in me.

But this scent awoke me in fear. His name only sent shivers down my spine. The door opened within the minute and his scent entered the room. Ryder.Kya purred and I started to shake.

"How can you not tell me! Your a Betas Mistress!" He slammed the door shut and I felt him looking over me. His scent was weird. Now that he was closer I could smell it. The smell making me whimper.

"And you were with another woman.." he growled at my remark.

"I don't think that a rouge should be in an Alphas business, now speak Mutt" he spat in my face making my eyebrows knit together and my face tuned into a scowl.

"Why should a rouge respect an Alphas orders then, that is because as you say I am a Rou-"

He grabbed me by the neck and slowly lifted me up from my laying spot. His fist clenching around it. I scratched at his hands finding it hard to breath.

"The only reason your alive right now is because of this stupid mate connection. Your lucky rouge. I would've have thrown you in the dungeon and tortured you myself but guess what? Your lucky day! Your savior is controlling me" I whimpered as his gripped tightened letting me to be if off from oxygen.

"Now it be best if you start talking pup before I turn my back on the men who are standing outside that door and let them do what they want with you.." he let go of me letting me gasp for breath and cough.

"Tell me about your pack. What happened to them? Where is your mate?" I whimpered at the last question, my lungs still burning.

"W-we were attacked" I chocked out. The sounds of that night in my mind.

"No shit your were fucking attacked. How come I can feel this connection to you when you already have a mate?"

Tears had already pricked my eyes. "W-why do you like to torture me? What have I ever done to you?"I heard that when your mate dies the mark on your shoulder should change. I pulled down the clothes I was wearing, revealing the mark. His breath hitched and then there was silence.

It was silent for a while. He shifted from his position, getting off of me and standing in front of me.

"Why are you asking these questions now?" I whispered. Frightened if he might hurt me again.

"Rouges. They were at my north border" my mouth fell open.


He groaned. "Two men and a woman, why?"

"What did the woman look like?" My voice, small.

"She looked about her mid 40s. Her hair was raggedy and black. It was curly. Why?" I gulped. She-she was. Kya was about ready to come out, find that woman and rip her throat out.

"Who is she?" His voice was demanding. His arms came to either side of me and he was close to me. I scooted back a bit trying not to be so close only making him go closer to my face. I kept my head down unable to find the words.

"I'll ask again. Who is she?" His alpha voice made Kya want to hide. But she submitted taking control of me.

"She's my mother" I growled out making him stand back up. I heard a door open. The it closed with a slam. Leaving me a whimpering mess.

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