Chapter 19

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A rough pair of hands shook me awake. "Bailey!" I swatted them away.

Just five more minutes ...

Piece by piece, my brain started to boot up. I sat upright and yelled, "They took Zoe!"

My hands flew to my head as the throbbing made itself known. "Ugh," I groaned as I started to sway. A pair of hands steadied me. How long had I been out for?

"You should stay lyin' down for a minute," John said. It was his hands holding me upright.

"I'll be good in a second," I said, the swaying already starting to stop. The headache was still there, but my vision was clearing rapidly.

John gave me a slow smile. "Of course you will, but pushin' yourself ain't good for anyone." His smiled faded and his eyebrows drew together. "I thought you were dead. We saw the headless body over there and then you on the ground."

Why wasn't I dead? I know the big mercenary had said to save the bullets, but it was nothing for them to kill a person. Probably best to not over think it.

Beside John was Rose, Leo, and Lucas. But no Ethan and they were supposed to be watching him.

"Where's Ethan?"

"Your boyfriend," Leo said with distain, "is being watched by the girl who looked us over and two little girls."

I sagged in relief. At least he was with Crystal and Chloe-safe. As much as I was pissed at him, I still cared for him.

"How long was I out for?" I asked.

"No idea, but it's only been an hour and a bit since I left you to find Crystal," John answered. I couldn't have been out for more than twenty minutes then.

"How many fingers am I holdin' up?" Rose said, shoving her middle finger into my face.

Leo swatted her hand away. "That's the last thing she needs."

I blinked, in too much pain to yell at her.

"We need to take you to Crystal. You think you can stand?" John asked.

"With some help." I held out a hand and John grabbed it.

Slowly, he helped me to my feet. I stumbled a bit, but Lucas put a hand on my back preventing me from falling back to the ground.

"Thanks," I said.

Lucas just grunted in reply. I half expected him to bolt during the invasion. It was a welcome relief to see him still here.

"Now, there's still infected out there and the fire, but the remaining mercenaries took off," John said. With Zoe. I hung my head. I hadn't been able to save her and now she was who knows where with those monsters.

"Except for the one we caught," Rose added. I lifted my head.

John shot her a glare and she looked to the floor.

"What do you mean you caught one?" I asked. "Alive?"

"Yes, but before we deal with him, you need to see Crystal so she can look at your head," John said carefully.

"He could tell us where they took Zoe!" I said, trying to walk on my own. There was no time to lose. The longer we waited around, the further she got away.

John held me in place. "Crytsal first. He ain't goin' anywhere, Henry will see to that." His words darkened when he mentioned Henry.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"They're holdin' him prisoner for right now. They killed Henry's wife right in front of him."

At least they hadn't taken her. I shuddered thinking of why they wanted Zoe. I would find her if it was the last thing I did. She would do the same for me.

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