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The Brothers of Wren have much to say, it seems. They had argued vehemently over the price of the stolen books, and then, when they had been paid out, were sullen about divulging anything about the thief named Keno. But, Iaves tells Ben and Allayria in the room later, a well-placed coin and a sly tip about a hidden room in a Halften lord's manor brightened their spirits and made conversation much livelier.

Keno is in town, though only sporadically. The brothers had noticed that he keeps slipping away for days at a time, and concluded that he is casing a new prospect—without them, they noted dourly. His main residence is currently The Hanged Man, a dingy, run-down bar three blocks over from The Open Arms.

When Iaves, Allayria, Meg, and Ben enter the establishment, they find the thief in the back.

Keno is a slender, dark-haired man with sly fingers and a wide smile. He grins when he sees them approach, a long, many-toothed leer that seems more akin to a mountain lion's grimace than laughter. He shoos away the hooded figures around him, making room for the four of them in his back end corner of the bar.

"Ben!" he says in way of greeting, holding out a hand. "And Iaves. And Meg—you have forgiven me by now, yes? No, I guess not..."

His black eyes flit over to Allayria and he tilts his head.

"You're new."

"Keno, this is Allayria. Allayria, Keno," Iaves says, gesturing between them.

His grip is surprisingly strong and warm when she clasps his hand and he flashes a friendlier smile, his gaze trained curiously on her face and then on her ashy hand.

"I didn't know you were recruiting," Keno says to Ben as they all sit.

"Not recruiting," Ben replies. "We simply ran into Allayria on the road."

Keno's mouth twists and then he turns around, whip-like.

"Five beers!" he shouts at the bar.

"You drink beer, don't you?" he demands of Allayria.

She doesn't, but she nods anyway.

A barmaid dumps the pints on the table. Ben pays her without comment while Keno grabs his drink and sits back.

"I always like talking to you all," he remarks and flashes another smile at Meg, who glares back.

Allayria takes a sip of her beer and tries not to sputter. It tastes like shit. She thinks Iaves must have caught her, because he's grinning into his drink.

"How's business, Keno?" Ben asks.

"Business? Business is good. There's nothing like a good bit of war and conflict to move things along."

"There are a lot of flatfoots around here."

"We've had five Jarles raids in the past six months," Keno explains with a one-shoulder shrug. "They lost a whole school of children, would you believe it? The city council is desperate to look like they're doing something so: guards, everywhere."

"Have you had the opportunity to find out more about the business we discussed?"

"Sure, sure I did." He takes a long swig of beer and then shoots a look over at the two girls. "Now I'd prefer you not take my head off directly after I say this, but you're not going to like what I've got to tell you."

Ben frowns, but then shrugs.

"I'm sure we'll find a way. You always do, Keno."

The thief grimaces.

"Find a way... hm." He suddenly scoots forward forearms leaning on the table. "So I think I've got a lead on the item you are interested, but it's not in an ideal place. An ideal area. An ideal—"

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