Author's Note

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I'd like to start by saying thanks SO MUCH for reading! It truly means the world to me and without you, I wouldn't have wrote this story!

Second, because I am SO happy for everyone reading, post your stories on my profile and I'll read/comment/vote!

Now onto the good stuff and the question you're probably asking:

You ended on a cliffhanger?

Well, yes, I suppose I did and a huge one too. However this means there could be one last book in the series, that is, if you, the readers want it! Originally Farm Girl Meets Bad Boy was supposed to be only one book, but I got too attached to the characters and had to write more. Also, you might be thinking, 'How the heck did River get pregnant?' Well, I did end a few scenes after the whole Vince incident with Emery and River kissing and such...I thought maybe the art of surprise would make for a good ending ;)


You're probably wondering, 'What more can there really be?' Well, I have some ideas and you, the readers are welcome to post suggestions that most likily will be used in the story!

©Credit for being the first to come up with 'Rimery' goes to HardcoreSunflower473! Thanks so much for the name and it makes me smile everytime I see it! :)

Lastly, thanks again so much for reading and your votes/comments/messages mean the world to me! <3 Even though I don't reply (I like to see how many comments I have on my book that I haven't contributed to) I read every, single on and they always make me smile! :)

Please comment and let me know about the third book! :)


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