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it's been 1 month since you've been gone. you've been in helens room the whole time.

sometimes, puppeteer would come in and talk to you, keep you company and play board games with you.

"are you hungry?" he asked, your stomach grumbled.

"yeah i am.." you quietly said, "when do you think i'll be able to leave.." you asked, he stayed quiet and looked away.

"i don't know kid" he simply said as he left the room.

you sighed, and laid back down on the bed watching the clock tik and tik.

your hands weren't tied up anymore. this time it was your ankle was chained to the wall but it was enough for you to be able to walk around.

puppeteer came back with a sandwich and orange juice. "hope you like it" he said, passing you the plate and juice.

you nodded and started eating. "so, how was life back then?" he asked, trying to make conversation.

"it was okay, i wouldn't say i had friends, i'd talk to everybody but i didn't hang out with them outside of school. and my moms a nurse, we're close, well we used to be.." you said, looking around making it obvious that it was because of this that you weren't able to see your mom anymore.

"and your dad?" he asked, lighting up his cigarette.

"hm, my dad.. i don't know much about him. my mom told me that he wasn't ready to be committed to us so she told him to leave. but that's all, really" you said, taking another bite out of your sandwich.

"how about you?" you asked, "there's nothing to know about me, i'm just good ol' puppeteer." he said chuckling, trying not to make the conversation more depressing then it already was.

helen walked in, bloodied and with his mask on.

"uh i'll leave you two alone" puppeteer said as he left the room.

"what's wrong" he asked, sitting next to you on the bed as he took off his mask. you looked away.

"you wouldn't care.." you mumbled as you pulled the covers over you.

"don't say that, i care about you (y/n), is this about going home?" he asked, putting his cold hand on your shoulder.

you nodded and a sigh came out of his mouth.

"i don't want to take you home, we're finally together now." he said as he smiled. trying to make the situation better.

"i miss my mom helen.. please" you said, tears streaming down your cheeks.

"i'm sorry darling" he said, he stood up and walked out of his room.

leaving you alone and now crying.

hours pass, and you're left with thoughts running all over.

"fuck you! fuck you fuck you fuck you!" you screamed.

"i wanna go home helen it's not fucking fair!" you screamed again, your throat dry and fists curled up tight.

the door opens and helen has a cold look on his face.

you gulped and watched his figure come closer to you.

"you are so ungrateful. i killed the one person who was standing in between us and you wanna say 'fuck you?' i've done more then michael has ever done so i deserve a thank you." he said in a low voice while his hand pulled your chin towards his face.

"o-okay" you simply said, he let go and kissed your forehead.

"i love you" he said as he gave a small smile, your eyes widened. you haven't seen him smile in a while.

"i-i love you too" you said, not sure if you meant it or not. you did grow strong feelings for helen but you hated him at the same time for keeping you here.

"good girl, that's what i like to hear" he whispered, you bit your lip a bit as you felt his breathing on your neck. he's never done anything too extreme. he likes to tease you just because he loves seeing that type of reaction you give.

the one where you start blushing, bitting your lip a bit and looking away from him. that's what gives him satisfaction.

"let's make a deal okay?" he took off his coat.

you nodded, "what's the deal?" you ask as you're fidgeting with your hair, scared of what will come out of his mouth.

"i'll let you outside of this room if you behave and help around the house. if you misbehave, then we're going to have problems. understood?" he said as he held your hand, his was cold yet soft.

"okay, understood" you said as you quickly nodded your head. excitement and relief filled your whole body, finally leaving this room made you feel a bit more free.

he unchained you and took you by your arm, walking you out of the room and sitting you down on the sofa.

"behave" he said as he pointed his finger at you; just like a father would to make sure the kid doesn't get up and leave for whatever reason.

you looked around and saw bloody canvases, some string decorations from puppeteer and oh, guess they got rid of angel's stuff.

apparently, helen killed angel for trying to kill you.
you didn't believe it at first because they've been friends for years from what puppeteer said.

it made you afraid of helen. if he can kill his friend he's known for years then, could he also kill you?

"make sure she doesn't escape." mumbled helen to puppeteer, he nodded at helens words and helen soon left with his mask on.

"why does he leave so much.." you asked as you slowly walked around to check out the rest of the house as puppeteer followed you.

"you sure ask a lot of questions kid" he said as he groaned. "ah.. i'm sorry for asking questions, i wouldn't be asking any if i wasn't here y'know?" you gave him some attitude but this made him chuckle.

"helen leaves because he has stuff to do, just like everybody else, simple as that." he finally said.

"right" you responded back. you started cleaning and cooking dinner. hoping to win helens trust but this will take more then just cleaning and dinner..

sorry for not posting for a while. i've been catching up with school work and stuff :p but i hope you like it ! i'll start posting moreee (i'll try)

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