Roundhouse Rival

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She watches me closely, taking in every small movement I make as she sits in the back. How her eyes are locked on me let's me know that something is off, that the small conversations we had will soon change, and that she sees me differently now. No longer does she think of me as her boyfriend's best friend, but now as someone to be cautious of. Ever since Friday night, ever since a week ago, all she has done is watched and be like a predator observing their prey before the kill. Little does Molly know that in this jungle called high school, I am one of the predators that lurks and waits. I am a predator, I'm a predator of the moon that is still hunted down. Years and years ago hunts would take place after my kind, myths were formed, and horror stories were told.

I am a predator. She is not. I am the predator that is watching my prey slowly lead my mate to her. However, I've watched as my mate falls endlessly in love with her. The last thing I want is drama, but I want my mate. I want to stop suffering. I don't want to feel weak and pathetic. I can't just go and tell Augustus. I can't go up to him, reject him, and give him no explanation for what I mean or the heartbreak he will undergo. When rejection occurs, only pain will follow, it's something I will have to accept if I do reject him.

As the bell rings, I rush out of class, holding my head high as I know in two days I will receive my diploma and be free. Within three months I will be in college, two states away, in Florida, and starting a new chapter in my life. Maybe with Augustus being rejected, or maybe with him still holding my heart as he simply doesn't notice it. That text he sent me, he was nervous, he was scared. Scared why? Scared because he felt something. He felt those spark some, the feeling of his heart speeding up, the mate bond that brings mates together. He's scared because he didn't regret kissing me, and because of that, he's afraid that his relationship with Molly is threatened. Even she sees it.

She sees me as an opponent now. Maybe she will put it behind her, but she's mad. She's mate because Augustus and I shared one kiss.

Once out of the school building, my heart only drops to my feet as I spot Flynn. I haven't chatted with him since he told me off, he told me to forget about it and left. I thought he was a friend. I thought he could help me in my darkest moments. He's not with a girl, nor a friend, or anyone, but he's by my car, his parked beside mine as he sits on the hood of his, those eyes locked on mine. My wolf feels submissive already as our future Alpha watches us like a hawk. I am more afraid of Flynn than Molly. I don't think he would ever hurt me, but I know he holds authority over me and Molly only holds jealousy.

"Amory," Flynn greets, watching as I unlock my car and put my backpack in the back seat. "How are you last days in school coming along?" Small chat that will soon end and a conversation will begin. "Happy you'll be out soon, overjoyed? Relieved?"

Slamming the back door shut, I turn to Flynn, my jaw clenched. "Happy," I mumble, crossing my arms as Flynn quickly glances back to the school and then to me. "What's the purpose of this conversation, Flynn, there has to be some catch?"

"A catch?" He asks, a lopsided smile gracing his face as I lean against my car.

"Please, Flynn, the last time we talked you practically kicked me out and told me we were not even friends."

"It's hard to explain-"

"I need a friend, Flynn, one who doesn't pity me every moment of my life. I need a friend who will make me smile, not cry. You were that friend," I snap, Flynn's eyebrows furrowing together as I tell the future alpha off. He's not happy with how I'm talking to him, but he understands.

"Friends?" He begins, shaking his head. "Friends do look out for one another and aid the other in their darkest moments, but friends have a connection." I await his next words. "We have no connection."

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