Meet the Elite

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 30th August, Saturday
8:30 am

You know those morning when right from the moment you wake up, you want to punch someone?

Yeah, I was having one of those.

See, early morning my darling and loving brother decided that it was brilliant idea to wake me up by nearly deafening me. So naturally, I accidentally banged my head against his and nearly gave myself a concussion.

Enough of that, at the moment I was sat alone. The room that I was in was no doubt awesome but it was also gigantic and left me feeling slightly lonely. Luckily, I was saved from testing what playing table tennis by myself felt like when someone entered the room.

Sky. I grinned at my best friend. "Hey, Cammy," Sky greeted me enthusiastically. Then, she proceeded to squish me in a hug. Yeah... She was a hugger. 

Meet Sky Brookes. 16 years old, 5'9, athletic figure, blonde hair and green eyes. She was crazy good at all things sports related. Publicly, she was known as Justice- the mask wearing green haired superhero with heightened senses and the touch that could heal at cost of her own energy. She was also the daughter of Captain Incredible, the indestructible superhero who turned out to be, unfortunately, destructible. After his death, S. I. A found Sky and  recruited her to help make the qorld a better place, just like her father.

I had the privilege of knowing her as the incredibly immature cheese enthusiast.

Despite her often serious outlook, she was a child at heart. She was one of those happy people who were very trusting and refused to be mean. "Hey, Sky," I laughed. "Any idea as to why Ace decided to wreck the weekend?". She shook her head.

"But if he's getting the entire team together it has to be big" she said seriously. She wasn't wrong. If Elite was coming together after months, then something was wrong.

Why did we assume this? Because it was the truth.

Now, was as good a time as any to explain things. S.I.A had this program in the works for years. It was called Project:Elite.

The idea was to bring together an elite team of people with extraordinary powers and skills. People who could be saviours of the general public, their hope in times of despair. They would symbolize hope and greatness. They'd be the elite team of supers. Then, 11 years ago Agents Emma and Harold Strong of the scientific division conducted an experiment that ended in a way no one wanted. The experiment consisted of exposing an alien stone known as Ragnald to amounts of radiation in an attempt to give normals inhiman powere. Unfortunately, due to an... accident, the radiation amount tripled and Ragnald reacted extremely violently. There was an explosion that killed Emma and Harold. Their two children, Noah and I, lived but were exposed to the radiation. We developed superhuman abilities. 

Happy story. I know, I was there.

Noah has enhanced senses and excellent aim. He developed killer tracking and fighting skills and became nearly impossible to beat in a battle with his ability of copying your fighting style. Like, seriously, it is ridiculously frustrating.

I got Mystikinesis (manipulation of magical energy). Obviously the freaky end of the already short stick.

Noah was known as the mysterious hooded archer, Hunter, and I was known as Mirage.

Anyways, so we had two other people on our team and they were 15. Yeah... Evelyn Summers and Olive Dash  had joined our team at the age of 12. There was apparently a group of people that kidnapped children, gave them superpowers and then brainwashed them to do their evil bidding. Eve and Olli had managed to escape, and after that S.I.A found their facility, freed the children that weren't brainwashed, defeated the brainwashed and then blew the place up. Eve had Photokinesis and Olli had super speed. They were known as Comet and Streak.

So that's our back stories (sorta), now back to what was happening.

After Sky entered, the others showed up soon after. Including Ace.

"What's up, fedora man?" Olli asked, sitting back on the sofa 'cause she couldn't be bothered. Ace rolled his eyes. And no, we didn't really know his name. No one did.

"I need you five to go to Prime City undercover and recruit Aerofire and Geowater to Elite," he cut straight to the chase. I blinked.

"... Why?" Noah asked with the most hilarious thinking face I have ever seen.

Holding back a snort, I turned to Ace. "They'd be a great asset to this team. They're doing some amazing work in Prime and could really help if the need ever came," Ace reasoned. I called bullshit, but he's the boss.

We grumbled our agreement and internally hoped that he would leave before we flung a table at him. We were a pretty close knit group by now and Aerofire and Geowater were pretty tight themselves. Those two were recent superheroes from Prime City. Aerofire had aero and pyrokinesis whil Geowater had geo and  Hydrokinesis.

"Good! You'll be leaving tomorrow. And guys, don't mess this up. They're important," Ace said before leaving. 

Oh lovely. Just what I've always wanted. Searching for two supers I didn't care about.

Elite: Ragnaldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें