Chapter Thirty Four

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Penthouse, RGC Office

Kavya demands with anger, lacing her voice, "Do you seriously believe, by purchasing those lands and playing with my dreams, I would forgive you?"

She rises to her feet, while tossing the set of papers over the table in anger. Armaan glances at the papers and stands, while depositing the file over the table and meeting Kavya's hurtful gaze.

Kavya demands with moisten eyes, "Wasn't playing with my feelings and making our marriage a joke enough for you, now you want to play with my dreams as well?"

Armaan doesn't react and allows Kavya to remove her anger, remembering Rihan's words-

"You can't blame her, she has all the rights to be angry...You need to take this slow...Let her remove her anger on you...Remember, she won't forgive you, unless her anger subsides."

While Kavya goes on, "Armaan, I have never met a heartless person as you. How do you even have the confidence to come and stand in front of me after ruining my life? From where do you get the courage to talk with me without stuttering after speaking millions of lies to me? How do you make an eye-contact with me without feeling ashamed of yourself?"

Armaan had no answer to her questions, he knew the damages were huge, and sensing the pain and betrayal in her tone reduces his confidence to fix their relationship. But he motivates himself to not lose hope this early.

While Kavya finishes by announcing, "You know what, take back those lands, I am least bothered for the school now."

Saying this, she turns to leave, only to be stopped by Armaan, who immediately reaches to hold her hand. Kavya pulls her hand, but he doesn't let her go and tightens his grip.

Kavya clenches her fist and orders, "Leave my hand, Armaan."

Instead of leaving, Armaan turns her around and pulls closer, connecting their gaze. He takes a hold on her both arms, as Kavya starts pushing his chest with her hands to release herself.

Armaan clarifies, while sustaining her movements, "Kavya, you are again assuming it wrong. Purchasing of those lands has nothing to do with the forgiveness. I am well aware of what I have done and I understand, it won't be easy for you to forgive me. So I will wait for it."

She stops struggling, as his words register in her mind and continues to stare in his captivate​ black eyes, scrutinizing his intentions. Although, she finds​ only truth and guilt in them.

They keep staring in each other's eyes and Armaan loosens his grasp on her arms. He slowly wraps his arms around Kavya's waist, drawing her closer. Whereas, Kavya's hands stay on his chest.

A part of her, yells to push and release herself from the person, who has hurt her feelings then abandoned her, whereas another part, craves for his touch and pleads to stay in the arms of the person, she loves.

Armaan apologizes in a depressed voice, "Kavya, I am sorry for using you for my benefits. You were right, I am selfish and coward. I am so sorry to make you suffer, I am sorry to ruin your life."

A lone tear escapes from Kavya's eye and Armaan moves his hand to wipe it. To his surprise, Kavya neither turned her face away from him, nor pushed his hand, instead she allowed him to wipe her cheek.

He cups her same cheek and confesses, "I know, I have hurt you and it won't be easy to forgive me. But I didn't purchase the lands with an intention to seek forgiveness. I genuinely wanted to help you and make you happy. Trust me, Kavya, from now on I won't do anything, which can hurt you, I will wait till you forgive me."

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