Chapter 27 - Him

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Autumn North

"Welcome Oliver Cambrie and Autumn North" We're at the premiere of my movie Paper Boats and as the main character of this movie I need to be with Oliver all the time

"So are you guys excited?" The interviewer asked

"We definitely are because we shot this movie in a really beautiful place and I bet the movie will turn out so good" Oliver answered

"Of course we're excited , we spend a lot of time having a fun shoot and act in a really beautiful place so yes I'm excited to see how this turns out" I said

"So tell us about your character Cassandra in this movie"

"Cassandra is a really sweet girl , she loves to help her parents , study and just livig her ordinary life until one day she wants to get out from that comfort zone. She's quite ambitious to be honest" I said

"How about you Oliver , tell us about your character as Ethan"

"Well Ethan is a boy with dreams , he doesn't care about what people said about him. He always love to achieve his dreams and make his family and friends happy. He change a lot and learn a lot too when Cassandra comes into his life"

"So can you give a little bit spoiler of your love line with Ethan there" She asked

"They met in a really unique way and Ethan ended up helping her to achieve her dream to be a song writer" Oliver said and she nodded

"There are rumours about you guys dating.. is it true?" She asked and we both laughed it off

"We're not dating sorry , I mean usually the main characters got attach while shooting but nope. I have a boyfriend" I stated and people seems to be surprise about it

"She has one and I'm still single"

"But your chemistry to each other are so strong" She stated and I just smiled it off

"We're friends.. we're quite close" Oliver stated and I nodded

"Autumn , can we know a little bit about your mystery boyfriend?" She asked and I chuckled

"Maybe soon , not now sorry"

After we walked to premiere together and watched the movie together. It really turned out so good. I can't believe it will be this good after editing. We have an after party and I decided to go home since Morris said he's preparing something for me.

I rather spend my time with Morris than drinking a lot of wine and get drunk with others. I got home and changed into something comfortable before going to Morris's house.

"Where are you?" He asked

"Going there , why?" I asked as I put him on loud speaker since I'm driving my car right now

"Just miss you.. quickly come here" He said and ended the call. A few minutes later , I parked my car inside to his house. I got out the car and walked into the main entrance

I walked into his house and my eyes widen as I saw him standing there holding a big teddy bear and a bouquet of roses. He smiled and walked to me. I'm completely speechless

"Oh my gosh" I said and he gave the teddy bears and the roses to me

"Congratulation on your premiere" He kissed my forehead

"Thankyou" I put everything down first and then I hugged him tightly

"I saw all your article for tonight , you told them you have a boyfriend" He smirked and I gave him a peck on his lips

"I hate when they kept pairing with Oliver" I said

"They will find out about us" He said

"I don't care , it's not a crime anyway. We never seen go out together so they never know. We always spend our time inside and surrounded by the others so they're not suspicious" I said and he smiled

"I want to cuddle you so bad" He squeezed me and I chuckled

"I'm hungry" I said and he looked at me

"What do you want to eat?"

"I say let's have a pizza night" I suggested

"Nice idea babe" He gave me a peck on my lips. He let me go and walked to get his phone. He dialed the pizza place and ordered our usual menu. I took the teddy bear and the flower to the living room. I sat down hugging the bear and turned on the TV

I raised my eyebrows as there's a news about me. It's about the interview earlier and now the media starting to guess who is my mystery boyfriend.. this is going to be interesting

"Babe" I called Morris


"Come here quickly" I said and he walked to me with a hot coffee. He sat beside me and looked at the TV weirdly

"So they're playing guessing games?" He asked

"Jonah? Oliver? Trevor? Julio? What the heck?" He said annoy , I laughed

"They're not suspecting you a bit" I turned my head to him

"Should I be the one who make it clear?" There he comes , the jealous side

"I don't mind" I pulled his shirt and gave him a peck on his lips

"You should tell them that your boyfriend is one of the God Life's kid" He said and I chuckled

"Just post something about us on social media and then a few minutes later it will be out there" I said pointing at the TV. He smirked

"Really? I have a tons of photos of you babe" He leaned to me

"They're really not suspecting us together huh?" I asked looking at the TV

"Ignore it , you're mine tonight" He turned off the TV and crashed his lips to mine. I kissed him back with the same pace , he pulled my body up to his lap

"You look so beautiful tonight" He said looking at me intensely

"It's yours though" I whispered

"Kids we're back-" Suddenly Morris's parents got home and I quickly buried my head to his neck

"Autumn?" Rose asked

"Can you guys just go upstairs?" Morris asked and damn I'm so embarassed

"Next time make out somewhere private , don't do it in the living room" Morris's dad said

"Hello Rose and Max" I greeted and they chuckled

"Hello Autumn"

"Don't do that thing now.. Alex will kill me" Max said

Oh man

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