[1] Operation Waste Disposal

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One shot #1





The gongs rang out. (A/N: Was it gongs? I'm not sure)

Negative one...

Negative two...

What was the point on counting when I could clearly state that the despicable, fiery individual was late? Here I was, wasting eight seconds of important business endeavors for that gender-problematic nuisance. What have I become?

However, with a file I've reluctantly retrieved myself, my undivided thoughts were solely focused on the certain employee that hadn't made it's presence known and not the file lying before me. Irritation swelled as more seconds flew by with no presence of my secretary and no progress in my reading. There were no thunderous booms and stomps from the stairs, no obnoxious, colorful curses that were echoed along with her big-foot steps, and no barging through any doors were occurring.

She better come soon otherwise deducting wages from lost time would be more than necessary.

What in heaven's name am I thinking? I will be deducting her- his wages either way.

Minutes passed- three, five, then eight. Just when I thought I felt a sense of worry, the sound of boisterous steps could no doubt be heard from the furthest side of the colonies. A slight, undefined weight was lifted off from my chest and shoulders without me realizing as the door to my office busted open as expected.

"Sir," Mr Linton dipped his head in a brief nod. My only response was a cold, threatening glare directed unfalteringly at him. My gaze clearly expresses how I disapprove of his tardiness. Of course, he didn't react to my stare, but only strode quickly to his office with his head tilted downward. A minuscule surge of disappointment flushed through me like a small tidal wave when I wasn't given a stubborn fight to start my day. Was there something the matter?

Unconcerned, I dismissed the thought. My attention gained on the file, reading it beforehand before I wrote a message to Mr. Linton.

Mr. Linton,

Bring me file 37IX167.

Rikkard Ambrose

I heard shuffling from the opposite side of the door. The file slid underneath the door and I had to walk over to receive it quizzically. Typically, sh- he would welcome his own self inside my office and hand it to me personally.

The day had continued on as it was since Mr. Linton's arrival this morning. The lack of profane languages and snarky messages was very concerning. I hadn't had so much more than a glimpse of her - yes, yes her now - unless she had to 'powder her nose'. I couldn't believe myself that a part of me had wished to call her over and demand for the matter.

As my watch struck eight, I sent one final message for the day.

Mr. Linton,

See me at my office.

Rikkard Ambrose

Expecting her to retaliate against me, I was just nearly surprised when she obliged to my command. There was definitely a problem here, a problem that I intend to find out.

"You called, Sir?" Her very feminine voice contrasted greatly from her male attire. How I hadn't notice it the day I've hired her was questionable.

Ambrosian Expeditions: Lillian Linton & Rikkard AmbroseWhere stories live. Discover now