The Table

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"What's on the menu for today?" I ask out loud entering the cafeteria.

Jasmine scoffs, "The same slop as every day."

I crack a smile in the direction of Jasmine but looking past her is the green-eyed guy that's been occupying my mind since yesterday, walking towards me.

"Hey." He greets with a charming smile.

Jasmine gives a tight smile giving a head nod in his direction before pointing over to the lunch line and walking away.

"Hi." I smile back as I quickly check him out, "lunch?" I ask and he agrees.

We slowly walk together to the line, "Will you grace me with your presence today at my table?" Kaden jokes smiling down at me.

I laugh, "Sure but only if Jas can come too." I tell him while picking up a tray along with a cold sandwich and a chocolate milk.

Kaden scoffs picking up the same lunch as me, "Goodluck getting her to agree." He mumbles under his breath but I catch it.

Ignoring Kaden, I call out to Jasmine who is one person ahead of us, "Hey Jas!"

Jasmine turns around with her tray full of food just as she stuffs a potato chip in her mouth, "Huh?"

"Wanna sit with Kaden today?"

Jasmine stops chewing looking from me to Kaden then back to me, "At his table?" She questions turning serious.

"Jas, you don't have-,"

"I'll go" She interrupts Kaden with a small nod in his direction before turning back around in the lunch line.

The tension in the room is clearly noticeable and it makes me think if I am missing something between the two. Jasmine is visibly disturbed with the thought of sitting with Kaden and Kaden seems tense.

"Great." I smile ignoring the tension between the two.

The lunch line continues to move until I am at the cash registers with a very unhappy lunch lady.

"That'll be seven dollars hun." Her monotone greeting brings my hand to my pocket for cash.

"Hers too Dolores." I hear Kaden speaking to the other lunch lady ringing him up.

I look up confused when he takes my tray in his hand lifting it up to show, who seems to be, Dolores.

"Wait I can pay for it." I interrupt.

Kaden gives me a side smirk, "I know." He tells me handing Dolores cash, giving her a charming smile, and walking away with both mine and his lunch tray's.

I stare in shock at my lunch lady who gives me a dirty look before nodding her head out of the line. I frown at her before catching up with Kaden with Jasmine by myside.

"I could have payed for that." I try to put on my 'I'm serious face' but my smile betrays me.

"I know you're capable of paying for your own lunch, it's just something nice, it's okay to accept it." He tells me but all I could is understand is how smooth he talks.

I shake my thoughts away and sigh, "Thank you for the lunch, but you have to let me pay for yours tomorrow." I bargain.

"Yeah ight." He laughs and so does Jasmine.

I stare at the two applaud, "I'm serious." I tell them following along with their steps towards a somewhat crowded table.

"We know." Jas tells me with a knowing smile.

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