seven: he's a lover and a fighter

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Marco POV:

I carried my board over the sand at Logan's Dip. Parking it at the rack, I rolled my wetsuit down to my waist and headed over to the shack to order some food. I was noodled; the last run down the river had taken everything I had. 

"Hey, Marco," the waitress called me over for my basket and smoothie. "You staying for the bonfire? Maybe the night?"

I gave her a smile. Tried to remember her name. 

I'm not an asshole - it's just that I've spent so many days at Logan's over the years that it all blurs together; climbing the trail with my board on my head, hooking up with a girl in one of the tents in the woods, having a beer by the bonfire. 

I grabbed a spot at one of the picnic tables to eat. The rapids turned into a lazy river just beyond the beach, with buoys on nylon line marking the swimming area. It was long past lunch and not officially summer yet but the crowds were already big and noisy. 

"Hey," the waitress slipped in beside me and stole a fry

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"Hey," the waitress slipped in beside me and stole a fry. 


"Haven't seen you much since we opened."

I shrugged. Another waitress walked by in Daisy Dukes and her hair wound up like a pineapple on her head. She looked familiar.

The waitress next to me noticed me looking at her. "Don't even... that one doesn't play. I should know, she shares my tent."

"What's her..."

The girl turned. My heart dropped. I knew her, dammit. "Maggie."

"Marco." She was as shocked as I was. 

"Welp, that's me out," the girl on my side pushed herself up and sashayed back to the counter. 

"What are you doing here?"

"Me? What are you doing at Logan's?" 

"Summer job. Can I take your basket, if you're done?"

"Uh, sure," I pushed the tray at her and she took it. As she turned away I saw the scratch on her eye and the bruise on her cheek. 


I'd seen her take the hit but I hadn't realized it was so hard. I should have done that different. Not left. Called the police. Something

I called her name again as she walked away but she didn't turn back.

Everything about her shouted 'go away'. 


You know what? It was my last day of freedom before heading up to my internship. I just wanted to relax. So, no drama. 

A bunch of people from school came down to celebrate the last day of finals, including Shay. We went in on some beer and chilled. 

After the sun set, the night breeze turned cool. I noticed that Maggie had pulled on an oversized sweatshirt as she scrubbed down the shack before locking it up. 

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