Chapter 27: I Have A Suprise For You. . . It's Poop!

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Ch27: I Have A Surprise For You. . . It's Poop!





"Seriously? You're all stupid twatfaces who deserve to go to hell," I yell furiously. "I'm going to kill you all!"

"Pay back is a bitch," Josh chuckles. "I wonder who's going to help you clean this all up?"

"We told you not to mess with us shorty," Alex smirks and I glare at him.

"How am I suppose to get into my room without creating a tsunami?" I scream.

"That's your problem," Vincent says. "It took lots of scrubbing to get the stupid blue out of my hair."

"Mine still hasn't completely came off," Alex whines. "It only faded to a nasty patchy green."

"Mine came off," Josh shrugs. "Maybe you're just a nasty pig who doesn't know how to shower."

"Maybe you should shut up," Alex mimicks Josh's voice.

"How long did it take you to come up with that one?" Josh rolls his eyes.

"Pretty goddamn long," Alex yells.

"Both of you shut up," Vincent rolls his eyes before walking off.

"Is he still being all moody?" I ask and they both shrug.

"Maybe on your road trip," Josh jokes and I glare at him. "You snuffed out all his goodness."

"Maybe he's just being honest and not keeping secrets from me," I say and Josh rolls his eyes before walking off.

"What's wrong with him?" I ask and Alex shrugs.

"He's a grass ass," Alex spits out.

"You're both still mad at each other," I look at him. "Why?"

"Cause he's a grass ass!" Alex exclaims before walking off.

Okay, so you're probably wondering: what's going on?

That's a pretty long story and it begins this morning.

"You said you'd come to the party," Mike says and I roll my eyes.

Did I say that?

I did. Damn it.

"Fine," I exhale. "I'll go, but it better be a good party."

"It will be," Pipper chirps. "I promise you'll have fun."

"Sure," I say before hanging up.

I get up from my bed and make my way downstairs, but before I enter the kitchen I can hear arguing coming from inside.

"I'm warning you Josh," I hear Alex say. "I'll kick your ass if I find out you're-"

"I'm not," Josh answers annoyed. "Get off my ass Alex and stop sticking your nose where it's not wanted."

"You're an asshole," Alex says. "We're all assholes and it's something we didn't care to try and change before, but now it's different."

"I get it," Josh speaks and I can picture him rolling his eyes. "Now will you leave me alone or do I have to leave the room in order to stop hearing your nagging?"

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