here it goes

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It all started when my mom met Tom. Tom was friendly at first. He laughed a lot, played games with me and my sisters , he loved my mom. Everything was perfect; or so I thought. I was two years old. I didn't know very much like what was right from wrong. One day it felt like everything changed he was moody and angry over the littlest things. He would wait until my mom was gone to scream at us. He used to make us stand in the hallway for over 5 hours and fall asleep and forget about us. One day he dragged my sister and I out of bed and hit us , put us in the hallway and completely flip our rooms upside down. We used to cry and try to tell my mom what was going on but she didn't believe us. She wanted to love him. She wanted the happily ever after, but little did she know it wasn't her happy ending.
When my eldest sister turned 13 she moved down to my dad's because she couldn't handle the abuse from our step dad. I didn't blame her those 7 years in between got worse. She would throw things actually hit my eldest sister with a book. He emotionally and physically attacked us. But it all happened while my mom was gone and she still didn't believe us. When we got grounded they took everything away ; our beds , our door , our toys , most of our clothes. It was like living in prison. But the thing was he would have days sometimes weeks where he was really nice. So I gained a lil trust. Then he threw a fit. After my middle sister left at age of 16. Things just got worse. All of Tom's anger came out on me, the physical abuse stopped , but not the emotional. He called me fat , lazy and stupid ; to my face and behind my back. I was 14 when my second sister left. So I learned how to stand up for myself. I also ran away for 3 hours until I got bored. But my mom still didn't see where things went wrong. So another year of abuse towards me and now my mom. Then she finally called it quits with him. I was 15. She found a boyfriend and fell in love. But she did that before we moved out of the house. There were night I was left alone with Tom and I was terrified of him. And now to this day I suffer with trust issues, depression , anxiety and self-confidence issues. But my mom and her new boyfriend are helping me. I have this amazing boyfriend who helps me. And makes me feel loved. He is my everything and I love him so much. So a year later I don't speak to Tom at all. I have a new family and I'm getting to be happy.

How it came to be.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя