Chapter 17: Anger Issues

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14/15 – Amy's Year Group (YEAR 9)
15/16 – Jake's Year Group (YEAR 10)
16/17 – Last Year before College (YEAR 11)

This is my way of school format that I'm going to use for the book so it doesn't go according to any system of any country. I made it up so people do not feel confused for other school systems. Any more questions, pm me!!

"So you wouldn't mind if I throw this out?" he asks.

What should I do?

With full confidence and a nervous smirk on my face I shake my head challenging him to throw my bracelet.

He nods as shrugging his shoulders and turning back to the window and threw it! He actually let it go!

Low-key I'm really upset, I just lost something so valuable to me. But consoling myself, I pull a big smile and do a quick nod before turning to leave as a drop of tear came strolling down my cheek.

I need to just let it go... common Amy you can do this. I inhale and exhale, swiping my tear and walking as if nothing happen.

Has this ever happened to you where you have been really upset, and cried so much wishing someone would notice? But you always hide it in front of them? It's like no one can see your true feelings. No one knows what you go through. Instead, they think you're a rude, funny, sassy, lively person that can never get upset or feel bad for someone. Are you one of those people? Because I know I am.

I make my way to Mia's class since that idiot wasted my time for 25 minutes and going to class for 5 minutes is pretty stupid. It's so sad, Mia and I have no classes now throughout this whole day, I have no classes today with Alia or Avery and only have one remaining class left with Jazz. As for Tessa, she and I have one lesson together today.

After our 20 minutes of break, we go to R. E (Religious Edu) and go to our classes. I have this class with Tess, Aaron and Reece.

Sitting on a table of four with these idiots arguing about glue!

"Can you please give it?" Tessa says getting frustrated as Alex and Reece are laughing holding the glue in their hands.

"Guys you're so sad just give it" I interrupt as I laugh but obviously feel sympathy for Tess.

They shook their heads and took the glue box, put it in the air and started rocking on their chairs as they kept passing it onto one another.

I give up! I just going to do my work. Wow never thought I would say that?

As I picked up the pen, it flew across the class and me being the laziest person I am stated to whine.


I went to pick it up and as I picked it up I saw the Reece was holding the box, rocking on his chair and his attention towards Tess.

I have an idea!

Going back to my seat normally, I leaned over to Tess since Reece is sitting right opposite her.

"Here's my phone, record this on snapchat" I whisper over to Tess handing my phone.

She scrunches her eyebrows together and nods slowly.

Don't worry Tess! You'll soon understand...

As soon as she starts recording, I kick the chair leg of Reece's rocking chair and made him fall backwards.

Everyone started to laugh and the teacher came over and started to shout at Reece.
"See? This is what happens when you rock on your chair" she says as Reece looks keeps his mouth just and gives me the devil looks.

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