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Madison's pov

"Block this number form all of her devices right now!"my father yells into the phone as I sit in front of him in Damien's office chair while Damien paces around the room on the phone as well.

"I want guards everywhere,I want people watching the cameras and I want people actually outside protecting the house,we know nothing about this people we need our guard up!"Damien rants into the phone.

I sigh wiping the tears off my cheeks

This is all my fault,if I had just blocked her number and told my dad in the beginning then we wouldn't be here.

"And you stop crying and blaming yourself!!"Damien points at me

"You just wanted to give her a chance and all her dirty secrets came out!"my dad adds making me sigh.

"Come on,go spend time with Alec and get your mind off things,don't want any stress for the baby"he smiles making me smiles.

I get up and kiss his lips and leaving as him and my dad talk more.

I find Alec and Greg cuddling in their room and I smile at them.

"Come on,Damien texted me telling me you were on your way up"Alec smiles I give him a big grin and run over and climb into the bed cuffing in between Alec and Greg.

I see that their watching happy Gilmore and I smile even more

"I love this movie"I squeal making Alec chuckle

"So does Greg"he smiles

I look down at me tummy and place a hand on it

"Do you think I'll be a good mom"I question

"Of course you will"Alec smiles "you'll be the best"


"I should at least be allowed in the back yard"I whine following Damien around the house.

"No princess,they have a better chance hurting you out there"he says walking into his office.

"They never said they would hurt me!"I say making him roll his eyes

"Come here"he says sitting down.

I sigh and sit in his lap facing his computer.

He clicks on some files making me roll my eyes

"She's killed people before"he says pulling up her files.

"Look here,her and her husband shot up a bank and killed almost everyone in there"he says making me gasp

He scrolls through more and i feel him tense up

"Call your father right now!"he growls

I panic and quickly grab his office phone while he goes and calls the gang.

"What did you find"my father asks as he picks up

"Uh Damien only told me one thing but I'm going to guess there's way worse because he's calling the gang into a meeting,so I'm guessing he wants you over"I say

"I'm on my way"he says hanging up.

I roll my eyes and lean back into Damien's chair closing my eyes.

This whole thing is stupid

"Baby girl"Damien says softly coming back in.

I groan as he picks me up and sets me on his lap.

"What did she do that's so bad"I ask making him tense

"S-she killed my mother and baby sister"


"Okay,okay we all need to take deep breaths and calm down,we will get her and she will not be able to reach anyone"Damien says trying to keep calm

"She's fucking psycho!! She killed an innocent mother and baby while she's was with me and our child!!! She shot up a bank killing 103 people!"my dad yells making me jump

Well shit I didn't think they'd care about that since they kill people basically everyday

But I guess when it effects your family.

"Look at all the other crazy shit she did!! This is fucking crazy and it's all my fault if had of know!!"he adds gripping his hair.

"Okay mark this isn't your fault!you didn't know what she was doing!"Tyler yells back

"Don't blame this all on you! It's her fault and we will get her!"he adds

"We will kill her and get our revenge"Damien says

"I'll get my men in on it,Tyler get your men as well"my dad says.

Oh shit some war is gonna down.


I place a hand on Damien's shoulder as he sits on the edge of the bed.

He turns around grabbing me and places me on his lap so I'm facing him.

"I'm sorry"I frown hugging him

"For what?"he asks quietly

"For bringing this drama"I say looking down at my hands.

"Baby girl it's not your fault,and if anything you helped,I finally found who killed my mother and baby sister"he says kissing my head.

I frown looking up and he gives me a smile kissing my lips.

"I wanna have a bath"I mumble playing with his shirt.

"Go have one then"he chuckles

"I want you to have one with me"I giggle

He smiles and picks me up taking me into the bathroom.

He sets me on the counter and goes to set up the bath

He adds bubbles in after it's filled I strip my clothes off getting in.

He chuckles and slips his clothes off getting in and sitting across from me.

"This is nice"I breathe out closing my eyes.

Damien chuckles and pulls my body on to his.

I rest my hands on his shoulders as he attacks my neck with little kisses.

"Damien"I moan gripping his shoulders

"Stop teasing we are supposed to be relaxing"I mumble

"Mmmh sex is a great way to relieve stress"he moans.

I roll my eyes giggling and pull back giving him a quick kiss.

"Pleaseeeee"he pleads making me roll my eyes.

"You have to be gentle"I say rubbing my tummy.

He chuckles and pulls me closer

"The baby will be fine don't worry,your allowed to have sex when your pregnant"he chuckles making me blush.


What's your favourite tv show?

Mines teen wolf (sadly it's ending like I'm going to kms) and I'm re watching glee again.

Anyway sorry for the short chapter i really wanted to post a chapter today so this is the best I got but I'll most likely post tm I'm tying to update everyday


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