The Man

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~Twenty Months Later~

Rosalind loved being a mother. Selene had faith in Rosalind when it came to parenting, but Silas was a little unsure. How could a blind woman be able to care for a baby? Rosalind had quickly learned the sounds of her baby's different cries. Rosalind was able to know Loraina's mood by simply feeling her body language as she held her. Loraina was a very happy baby; she laughed often--her baby's giggle seemed to be the sweetest sound Rosalind had ever heard. She cried, but only as much as was expected. The first few months were the worst, Rosalind never slept. She had to walk in a small square in the sitting room for hours before Loraina fell asleep. Thankfully, her housemates never complained about the noise. They helped where they could when they could. When Loraina had begun walking, Cassandra threaded small bells onto a string and tied it around her ankle so that Rosalind could hear where she was. For the most part Loraina wouldn't let go of Rosalind's hand when she walked; Rosalind was blessed that Loraina--in some way of understood that Rosalind could not see. Loraina loved to be near her mother.

Rosalind slept with Loraina a top her chest. The soft swell of breath coming for her daughter was soothing. She was so happy that her baby was born so perfect. She couldn't find the slightest flaw. Cassandra had begun to call Loraina, Rainy. The house quickly picked it up; it appeared to Rosalind that her daughter adored her new nickname. Rainy hadn't said her first words yet, but she was quite a vocal child. Selene had joked that she spoke in her own language.

Annalise had sent a christening gift for Rainy, apologizing that she could not be there to meet her. Andrew had tried to look for her, but Annalise and Aunt Aggie had been able to keep him away. Even if he did look he'd never find her.

Rosalind had begun working for a widow in the city. She was very accommodating to Rosalind's issue with her sight. Rosalind worked washing dishes for the cook. She was pleased with her colleagues-- they offered her parenting advice. What to do, how to do it. She was grateful for all the people that were willing to help her. The widow was very pleased with her skill, that she would often ask her to come on full time. Rosalind couldn't bring herself to do it, she didn't think that she could last that long away from Rainy. It was hard enough to do if for a few hours. While Rosalind knew that Selene and Cassandra were very capable for caring for Rainy, she didn't want her daughter being raised by others because she wasn't around.

Rosalind had come home one night, exhausted and chilled from the rain. The house was warm because of a fire in the fire place. Selene and Cassandra were in the kitchen cleaning up from dinner. She had stopped in the doorway listening to Ben read to Rainy. He had become quite the accomplished reader. Silas, who had been smoking a cigar with Jasper, noticed her and called for her. This instantly alerted Rainy to her presence. Rainy, with her jingle bells and all, came stumbling to her mother. She wrapped her chubby arms around Rosalind's leg.

Rainy's head was covered in bouncy honey colored curls. Cassandra would sit with Rosalind and hold Rainy on her lap, and describe her daughter to her. Rainy had inherited Rosalind's eyes-- their icy hue enchanting everyone. While Rosalind had curls of her own--they were tight and wiry; whereas, Rainy's were soft and loose. She had inherited that from William. Silas would tell her that Rainy was the perfect mix of both of Rosalind and William. Cassandra told her that Rainy had dimples when she smiled and freckles that speckled her nose. Her daughter had the longest lashes--Cassandra had told her that they were dark and full. Rosalind would close her eyes and try to piece together the image of her daughter.

Ben adored Rainy. The two of them were inseparable. Selene would wake up in the middle of the night and find the two of them reading in front of the fading fire. He loved her like a little sister, and she could tell that Rainy looked up to him like an older brother. The two of them would build forts--or rather Ben would build a fort-- and the two of them would play for hours.

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