Chapter 3

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"Hey so do you want to come over?"

I'm currently on the bus going home and I really want Larissa to come over today.  I figured I could talk to her about what I've been thinking of doing and see what her opinion is.  

"I don't know if I can today because I have to go to my Aunt's tonight but I'll ask anyway." 

I watched Larissa text her mom to see if she can come over.  I really, really hope she can.  I need someone to talk to about this.  I doubt she will agree with me though, we are both the type of girls that aren't sneaky and don't try to get into trouble.  So, this isn't something she'll be expecting.  All of a sudden Larissa shoves her phone into my face.

"She said yes!!" Larissa somewhat yells, you know, since we are on a bus.

"Awesome!! So just meet me at my house in about 30 minuets.  I have to take out the dogs and do a bit of my homework, but I can do that while your there too.  Bye!" I finally got off the bus and walked the rest of the way home.  Luckily, my house is only a few houses away from the bustop, so I don't have to walk very far at all.  

I walked into the house, only to be greeted by my two dogs, Lulu and Lena.  They are both really small and combined, they weigh about 30 pounds.  Lulu is a mix between a pug and chihuahua, and no one knows what Lena is.  

They run down the stairs, letting me know that they need to go out.  I never actually knew how smart dogs are until I got one.  They let you know when they are hungry, happy sad, when they need to go out,etc.

They do what they need to do, and we go back inside, and before I know it, Larissa is at the door.  "Please go well," I whisper to myself.

"Hey! I hope you don't mind, I promised my mom I would finish my homework while I was here." Larissa explains.

"Yeah no problem! But could I talk to you about something?  It's sort of really important..."

"What's it about?

"Let's go upstairs in my room"


We made our way to my room and sat on my bed.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?"  Where do I start?!

"Well, I sort of had this idea that I wanted to get your opinion on." 

"So what is it?"  Well here goes nothing.

"I want to go find my soul mate."


So heres chapter 3!! I hope you enjoyed it.  It wasn't that good but I'll probably go back and edit it later.  I'm not sure how long this is going to be, hopefully not too short.  How is the story so far? I'm not sure if it's good....

If you want to, you can comment and tell me what I need to work on and if this is any good or not.


-Sarah :)

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