Wattpad Original

Original Edition - Tip 11: Don't Pollute

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Let's get this straight. My math teacher taught us, well math, for the first 40 minutes of class. After that...I don't even know how to describe what happened after that. Let's just say that it included a rap battle between 2 students, fights on who was prettier regarding Selena Gomez and Gigi Hadid, and a screaming fangirl after a fight about The Weekend. No, I am not kidding.

Lunch was the same. Like usual, I was tempted to throw my pizza at Logan and Jasmine's passionate romance. I slapped Daniel's plastic waterbottle in mid-air during his bottle flipping since it was annoying me. Lastly, I took Carol's bag and hid it in the cafeteria while she was in the washroom. Y'know, the usual.

Gym was okay too. If you would call an extreme cardio workout that consisted of suicides, sprints and long-term running, okay. It was not freaking okay! Of course, I looked like a sweaty oaf during the class. Afterwards, I looked as though I was ran over by a delivery truck. Like usual, my fellow classmates looked like supermodels. I don't know how it's possible for some girls to be blessed with the "beauty after workout" look and me to be cursed with the "I just got mauled by a bear" look.

Anyways, here I am once again, walking infront of a chatty Jasmine and Logan. I didn't really appreciate the fact that I had to walk behind them yesterday like a sad puppy. If I have to be a third wheel, I should walk infront of them so that it looks like I'm leading an army to battle.

I still can't believe that I have to go to James' house for tutoring. His house is closer to the school though. So less walking for me! I plug my earphones in and scroll to my playlist. Last night, I created a new walking playlist for the times Jasmine would be with Logan.

No I don't wanna know where you've been or where you're going, but I know I won't be home and you'll be on your own.

I sing along to It ain't me by Kygo ft. Selena Gomez. Frankly, my singing voice can actually be nice when I try.

Suddenly, I almost drop my phone at the loud honk caused by a car horn. I look to my side and see James rolling down the window of his brand new Porsche Panamera. He just got his driver's license a few weeks ago, or so I've heard. What does the rich boy do? Yep, he buys a freaking expensive car.

"Get in!" he orders, stopping his car on the curve and gesturing for me to come.

"Kidnapping in illegal." I state, and I keep walking on.

He gets out of his car and starts to chase after me. He grips my shoulder but I hit him in the gut with my elbow.

"Ow! Dude, we're going to the same place anyways. Just get in the car!"

"Sorry, but I prefer to walk." I tell him.

"Why walk when you can ride in my brand new car?" he points to his car, looking at me like I'm crazy.

I place a hand on my hip. "Listen, a person on the sidewalk is one less car on the road. One less car in the road means one less car to pollute. One less car to pollute can reduce the pollution. People are dying from pollution. The earth is dying from pollution. I just want to do my part to help."

"My car is still going to run anyways. Even in you don't come. And one car off the road doesn't make a difference" he counters.

"Which is why we have this problem. Because you and everyone else has the same mindset. Everyone says that one car doesn't make a difference, so instead, all cars are still on the road."

He just shrugs and goes back to his car. "See you at home."

He starts the engine and he goes off. Ugh. I mean, it's only September and it's still like 20 degrees out. There's really no reason to drive in this type of weather. Plus, his house is only a 10 minute walk from school. If it was winter, then I'd probably be riding the public transit. But it's great outside and I am walking.

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