20 | Jealous

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"Happy birthday, Jack!"

The lanky, newly-turned-nineteen-year-old grins as he pulls me into a grateful bear hug.

Jack and I were assigned a human resources project together at the beginning of the year and that was the only time we had considerable interaction. His slightly high-pitched voice and affinity for hugs made me like him instantly. But I didn't know him too well because we never got the chance to hang out much after our project. If not for all the posts that have been pouring into his social media pages all morning, I wouldn't have known that it's his birthday today.

I barely have the time to wish him a good day before a group of his friends swarm him, causing a small crowd in the middle of the hallway that people have to weave their way around. Smiling, I wave goodbye as Jack cranes his neck to call out to me, "Thanks! Bye!"

Shouldering my worn backpack, I decide to head to the library. With finals looming right around the corner, I need all the free time I can get to study and complete the remainder of my essays.


The anxiety of examinations is slowly starting to sink in like an anchor into the sea as I step out of the modern building. Drawing a deep breath of the wintry afternoon air, I wrap my arms around myself.

"Hey, Carmen!"

I turn around to see Felix standing several feet behind me. He throws a hand into the air, palm open, when my gaze lands on him. I wait for him to jog over to where I'm standing on the sidewalk, cleared after today's early morning snow shower.

"Hey," I say questioningly when he nears me. "I thought you were going to The Blacktop with your friends. . . ?"

"Uh, yeah, I was but . . ." he says, tugging at the sleeve of his navy blue sweater in a self-conscious gesture that looks unusual on his strong, self-assured frame.

"What is it?" I ask, perplexed by the discomfort lacing his actions and words.

Starting towards the library again, I step to the side and closer to Felix when two professors, absorbed in an animated discussion, walk past us. I give a little start of surprise when Felix's fingers snake down my elbow and wind themselves around mine.

More than the actual sensation of holding his hand, I find myself accepting his touch because of the realization that this is right. This isn't something that needs to hide from the slanting amber rays of the sun. This, unlike what Liam and I have - had - isn't something that lives and survives only in darkness.

My attention snaps back to Felix when he gives my fingers a firm squeeze. "Who was that guy?"

I falter in my step. "What guy?"

"The guy in the hallway, the one you were talking to," he says, his wood brown eyes dark and cloudy with envy.

From the furrow of his eyebrows of his transparent discomfort, I almost think that he's jealous of Jack. The idea seems so improbable that I feel mildly embarrassed to say it aloud.

"His name's Jake or something . . . ?"

"You mean Jack?" I ask, widening my eyes. "The guy that hugged me in the hallway?"

"Looked more like he was crushing you, to me," he grumbles, frowning like a disappointed child.

A snort of laughter emanates from my throat at the incredulity of it all. I can't help but sound teasing when I ask, "Am I sensing some jealousy here?"

"No." Felix sounds indignant as he drops my hand and shoves his palms into his jean pockets. I have to tilt my head to look at his face, turned pointedly away. The red blotches coloring his cheeks take me by surprise.

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