Chapter Seven

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June Apricot

I woke up with a head banging headache, Oh Good Lord....The events rushed into my head and I felt heat creeping up my cheeks.

"You blush in your sleep?, or did you dream about me?" I heard Ivan say and my blush increased as I opened my eyes...It was just Ivan here and I was on a bed....Very soft if I may add.

"Shut up Ivan... Where am I?" I asked and he shrugged.

"My house...In my room and on top of my bed" he said and smirked. My eyes grew wide.

"Kidding, you're still in the palacio, the guest room though... You passed out" he stated the obvious

"Yeah captain Obvious" I said and raised my self up.....Jeez my head feels like its gonna split soon.

"So....did you really trip for Cam?" He said and I blushed deeper.

"Are those rosy red cheeks confirmation?" He asked and I shook my head.

"What I meant was I tripped cause of that asshole...he annoyed me" I said and he still had his smirk on as he sat in front of me with his hands in front of him....Thinking about it, he kinda looks about as handsome as Cameron...He's a fucking beauty.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked and I stupidly blurted out my thoughts.

"You're beautiful" I said like a fool and he threw his head back and now my cheeks were imitating a tomato.

"Seriously?, is today a embarrass June till she dies day?" I said annoyed as I jumped out of bed and placed my hands on my cheeks.

"You're the one embarrassing yourself... And miss, I'm not beautiful... I'm sexy, hot, gorgeous and handsome... You're the beautiful one" he said and I couldn't fight the blush.

"When you that thing with your cheeks...doesn't it hurt...cause you look like your cheeks are on fire" Captain Obvious to the rescue.. ...asshole!

"Shut up Ivan...get out" I said feeling very very embarrassed.

"This is how I get paid for watching you unconscious for two hours?" He asked and my eyes widened.

"Two hours?" I almost screamed and he shrugged and nodded like a kid.

"I wouldn't call it unconscious though, cause you were were even cuddling the yeah, you slept soundly for two hours...Like a sleep deprived hungered baby" he said and I threw the nearest thing I could find at him......

"MY PHONE!!!!" I screamed as I watched the poor thing hit the wall....there was no point rescuing it, it was on its last life anyway....I looked up from the corpse of my phone to Ivan and my look sent him out.

"Your fault, bye" he said hurriedly and ran out... Like a mother who got to the accident scene of her only child, I took grieved steps to the lifeless body of my phone and picked it up like a kid, call me overdramatic.

I tried inserting the battery and switching it on, hoping that it will switch...just a little flicker hope...The dark screen didn't even illuminate.

"'re dead" I said slowly and hugged it to my chest...I'm burying you and Ivan together baby...You just wait!.

I walked out of the room with only one aim in my mind, Kill Ivan....Yeah, I'm killing Ivan cause he murdered my baby in cold blood.

I Walked downstairs and saw him watching TV alongside Kate and the latest ...well, soon to be latest couple. That jackass was no where to be found...and his devil of a sister...

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