Becoming Family

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After watching several children under the age of ten gorge themselves on meat, I started to realize that perhaps the sheriffs, Zelda, really everyone I had met since I stumbled upon Bungee and Calista, were telling the truth about the secrets of Whisper Valley. So when Scarlett offered to take me into town, I instead decided to stay at the house. That way I could observe this strange family more closely and better determine what exactly was going on. I spent much of the day watching Zelda attend to the children, while a sleepy Scarlett sat alone by a window, only moving whenever a child came over and asked her to read to them. They may not have been her own, but the young woman treated them with gentle kindness. She'd read without complaint and dutifully brushed and dressed the girls' hair when requested.

As for me, I was ignored. I got a few side glances, particularly from the older children like Tomas and Adele, but in general they didn't seem to trust me. Perhaps it was because I wouldn't partake in the raw beef balls they had for a snack.

By the time the sun started to set, I came to an uncomfortable awareness of how at ease I was with my predicament. Seeing a toddler devour meat so fresh it was still bleeding, tends to change one's perspective. Perhaps they were vampires, or a family with some sort of genetic illness that required them to eat in such a barbaric fashion, but they hadn't harmed me. I was where I was, and though it wasn't ideal, I, at least, appeared to be safe enough to figure my way out eventually.

That was until I was beckoned to Lord Antonov's study.

"Zelda tells me that you helped her with my children today." He sat on an ornate sofa, with intricate woven upholstery, wide, curved armrests, and wooden legs shaped like lion's feet. It complimented the Persian rug that looked like it may very well have come from Persia, back when it was still called that.

"I didn't really," I replied, standing before him so that the warmth of his fireplace lapped at my back. "I just sat around and watched."

"It's a lot to take in, I know." He drew forward, resting his elbows on his knees which were clothed in light cotton slacks. They matched the casual button down that hung loose upon his frame, the top buttons undone so that his bare, muscular chest peeked out. "Still, you seem to be handling it well."

"I don't know how else to handle it," I answered, shifting my weight and rubbing my arm as I glanced around the room. The sentiment was as true then as it was with the children. There I was, standing in an office straight out of a Victorian novel with only the pale moonlight and the blazing fireplace to illuminate it. I was too lost to even know where to run.

"Come, sit down over here." He gestured to the small space beside him. "I'd like us to be family some day and family doesn't hover awkwardly in front of the fireplace."

"I..." I bit my lower lip and eyed the armchair that opposed his love seat. Perhaps, noticing my wayward gaze, he didn't give me a chance to follow through and rose up to meet me where I stood.

"Well, standing is good as well," he said, reaching out and placing his hands upon the sides of my arms. His touch was gentle, but it didn't stop me from feeling like I just stepped into a trap. "Quite frankly the sofa is overrated. Standing requires core muscles."

"Core muscles?"

"I do hope you understand, my dear Delilah. I want you to be a part of my family someday, but my eagerness in the past has led me to some rash decisions. So this time I want to take things more slowly."

I had trouble understanding his meaning with his hands climbing up my arms and his mouth tilting towards my neck.

"I need to know that you will be a wise investment. We've got a year, no reason to rush things when the town is willing to cover your expenses." One hand moved up to the side of my neck, his thumb tracing the line of my jaw, while the other lingered upon my shoulder, teasing the collar of my shirt. "Know though, that the moment you prove to be fertile, I'll toss Scarlett out and sponsor you fully. However, the sooner we start testing your body, the sooner we can welcome you completely. You do understand, don't you?"

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